#Token #revocation and #expiration in #AzureAD is important in terms of responding to #security #incidents affecting Azure AD. How and when do tokens expire or what are the revocation options?
#Access tokens typically have an expiration time of 60 minutes. And there is no way to manually invalidate an access token except by manually deleting the token in the cache on the device.
#Refresh tokens typically have a default expiration of 90 days. However, refresh tokens can be invalidated by an admin from the Azure portal or using PowerShell or the Graph API.
A Primary Refresh Token (#PRT) is invalidated when the Azure AD account is disabled or deleted, the user password is changed or reset, or the device where the PRT was issued is disabled or deleted.
#token #revocation #expiration #azuread #security #incidents #access #refresh #prt
Tiny poem packed.
All syllabic bits so planned.
Drat. My quantum is
#haiku #senryu #poem #humor
#MastoPrompt: #quantum
#scheduling #TimeSlicing #expiration
cc: @tanweerdar
#haiku #senryu #poem #humor #MastoPrompt #quantum #scheduling #timeslicing #expiration
#Gratifying though it is to #Find that the #DVLA had placed a #TemporaryExtension on the #Expiration of #MyDrivingLicence for 11-months due to #CV19; I'm pleased to #Report the #SafeArrival of #MyNewDrivingLicence | #TopLeft #StayingEuropean
#Tellingly | #TheGreatBritishStandard is now #Positioned to #TheFarRight | #Coincidence...? #iThinkNot
🇪🇺 🌻⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🌻🇪🇺
#gratifying #find #dvla #temporaryextension #expiration #mydrivinglicence #cv19 #report #safearrival #mynewdrivinglicence #topleft #stayingeuropean #tellingly #thegreatbritishstandard #positioned #thefarright #coincidence #ithinknot #truestory #truetruetuesday
#Password #expiration for accounts no longer makes sense and is not recommended if multi-factor authentication (#MFA) is used. For this reason, it is recommended to disable password expiration in the #Microsoft365 environment as well.
But what if the company has synchronized identities in the Password Hash Sync (#PHS) scenario? In that case, the #AzureAD password expiration policy is not applied to the synchronized accounts. And such accounts passwords are always set to never expire. It is assumed that in such a case the policy in Active Directory handles this.
But what if the user never authenticates to the local AD? The computer has Azure AD Join and the user is only using cloud services. The password for his AD account has expired, but he doesn't even know about it, and Azure AD still authenticates the user because passwords for synchronized accounts never expire.
In this case, you need to configure the Azure AD Connect server to apply the Azure AD password expiration policy also to synchronized accounts. This can be done using PowerShell on the Azure AD Connect server: Set-MsolDirSyncFeature -Feature EnforceCloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsers
#password #expiration #mfa #microsoft365 #phs #azuread
#Password #expiration for synchronized #AzureAD accounts. A thing that many administrators don't know about.
If you have a password expiration set in #ActiveDirectory, this expiration is not synchronized by default to Azure AD. So, an account that has an expired password in Active Directory is still usable within Azure AD, and the user is not even notified that their password has expired. The same goes for accounts that have a flag set that the user must change their password the during next log on - this is not reflected in Azure AD and the password valid permanently.
Both things are configurable via PowerShell on the Azure AD Connect server though.
#password #expiration #azuread #activedirectory
Did you get a free #covid test kit recently? Check the expiration date. My kit #expiration is in 10 days. My mom's kit expiration is 6-27-22. We got these kits less than a week ago.
Southwest Airlines vouchers' expiration date is now... never | CNN Travel #southwest #airlines #vouchers' #expiration #date #never #travel #2agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS90cmF2ZWwvYXJ0aWNsZS9zb3V0aHdlc3QtYWlybGluZXMtdm91Y2hlci1leHBpcmF0aW9uL2luZGV4Lmh0bWw=
#2agosto #travel #never #date #expiration #vouchers #airlines #southwest #x27
Ontario has killed the licence plate sticker, but drivers still need to renew https://bit.ly/3mzWYDe #LicencePlates #Driving #Expiration #onpoli
#licenceplates #driving #expiration #onpoli
Let's Encrypt's Root Certificate is expiring! (that may break connection to websites on a lot of devices) https://scotthelme.co.uk/lets-encrypt-old-root-expiration/ #tls #security #letsencrypt #certificate #expiration
#tls #security #letsencrypt #certificate #expiration
C'est définitivement Noël 😍
RT @lamethodeFC@twitter.com
[ANNONCE] On vous prépare un #VendrediFiction particulier cette semaine ! Nous recevrons l'auteur de #SF #TedChiang pour 1h de discussion autour de son oeuvre, suite à la parution de son 2e recueil de nouvelles en France : #Expiration https://bit.ly/36P3Vt1 aux @EDITIONSDENOEL@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lamethodeFC/status/1338900672251645954
#vendredifiction #sf #tedchiang #expiration
Oui un méga problème affecte bcp de monde… en cours de résolution paraît-il… (#expiration d'un #certificat) #firefox
#certificat #expiration #firefox