We don't actually need a special constant for this; this is a pretty standard Python #idiom:
NOT_SET = object()
def f(a: int, b: int = NOT_SET):
if b is NOT_SET:
# function called without second argument
NOT_SET is a bare object, which will never compare equal to anything else, and is a singleton so the natural test is #object #identity. It absolutely distinguishes between "no argument" and "caller happened to pass the #default value #explicitly".
#idiom #object #identity #default #explicitly
#International_Tech_News | #BIG_GOV | #BIG_FAITH
Clarence Thomas calls on Supreme Court to #revisit #gay_marriage decision..
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote alone in a #concurring_opinion #explicitly #calling for the #court to #revisit landmark #rulings on #contraceptives and #gay_marriage.
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#contraceptives #rulings #court #Calling #explicitly #concurring_opinion #GAY_MARRIAGE #revisit #Big_Faith #BIG_GOV #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS