Exploding Kittens El bien contra el mal se une al catálogo de Asmodee
#JuegosDeMesa #Noticias #Asmodee #ExplodingKittens #ExplodingKittensElBienContraElMal #JuegoDeCartas #netflix
#juegosdemesa #noticias #asmodee #explodingkittens #explodingkittenselbiencontraelmal #juegodecartas #netflix
Este sábado #ElCaboDelJuego ha recibido con los brazos abiertos a dos personas que se han acercado a jugar con nosotr@s, les ha gustado el ambiente y... ¡SE QUEDAN EN LA ASOCIACIÓN! 😃
¡Bienvenidos Héctor y Blanca! 👏
El Cabo del Juego crece, no sólo en miembros, sino en ilusión y ganas de hacer cosas 💪
Hemos jugado a #ElAnsia, #ExplodingKittens, #Saboteur, #TicDiceTown, #ElReyDeLosDados, #OcéanosDePapel, #Draftosaurus y #ElSeñorDeLosAnillos
¡Os esperamos en la próxima!
Aquest dissabte #ElCaboDelJuego ha rebut amb els braços oberts a dues persones que s'han acostat a jugar amb nosaltres, els ha agradat l'ambient i... ES QUEDEN EN L'ASSOCIACIÓ! 😃
Benvinguts Héctor i Blanca! 👏
El Cabo del Juego creix, no sols en membres, sinó en il·lusió i ganes de fer coses 💪
Hem jugat a #ElAnsia, #ExplodingKittens, #Saboteur, #TicDiceTown, #ElReyDeLosDados, #OcéanosDePapel, #Draftosaurus i #ElSeñorDeLosAnillos
Us esperem en la pròxima!
#JuegosDeMesa #JocsDeTaula
#BoardGames #ElJuegoEsCultura
#Asociacionismo #Intergeneracional #Intercultural #Alfafar #Benetússer #Sedaví #Massanassa #LlocNouDeLaCorona #Castellar #Oliveral #HornoDeAlcedo #Valencia #Catarroja #Paiporta #Bienvenidos
#ElCaboDelJuego #elansia #explodingkittens #saboteur #ticdicetown #elreydelosdados #oceanosdepapel #draftosaurus #elsenordelosanillos #juegosdemesa #jocsdetaula #boardgames #eljuegoescultura #asociacionismo #intergeneracional #intercultural #alfafar #benetusser #sedavi #massanassa #llocnoudelacorona #castellar #oliveral #hornodealcedo #valencia #catarroja #paiporta #bienvenidos
Been a while since I've posted here. Still gaming and staying involved in all manner of nerd shit. Recently picked up an intense #BoardGames habit. Any #recommendations are appreciated.
Currently hooked on #explodingkittens and #munchkin
#munchkin #explodingkittens #recommendations #BoardGames
Anoche pude probar #ExplodingKittens, un juego de cartas muy simple con una premisa que me recordó a la patata caliente. Éramos tres y salieron tres partidas bien divertidas. Con ganas de repetir.
#explodingkittens #juegosdemesa #juegosdecartas
Hand-to-hand Wombat es lo nuevo de Exploding Kittens
#Juegosdemesa #Noticias #Asmodee #ExplodingKittens #Hand-to-handWombat #juegodecartas
#juegosdemesa #noticias #asmodee #explodingkittens #hand #juegodecartas
¡Rápido, agáchate! Descubre Throw Throw Burrito y sus próximos lanzamientos
#Juegosdemesa #Asmodee #ExplodingKittens #PartyGame #ThrowThrowAvocado #ThrowThrowBurrito
#juegosdemesa #asmodee #explodingkittens #partygame #throwthrowavocado #throwthrowburrito
Just finished playing four rounds of #ExplodingKittens with my kids (I am 4-0 but the last one was close) and now I'm about to watch a documentary, The Wrecking Crew! (2008), about a(n) (in)famous group of season musicians in the 60s and 70s.
If I were a really good #BassGuitar player, that's what I would want to do with my time post-Army.
I have an idea for a boardgame: it's a mix of #ExplodingKittens with #Monopoly. You can destroy other's hotel with exploding kittens and even steal properties when using favors and such 😂
It's like a very chaotic version of monopoly where you can turn around the table even if one player is leading
Three things I'm looking forward to in 2023:-
- The start of the #F1 season
- The Oatmeal/Netflix #ExplodingKittens game and series
- #IndianaJones and the Dial Of Destiny
What's on your list?
#F1 #explodingkittens #indianajones
And another one for #Caturday from the #song #challenge during the #ExplodingKittens #Kickstarter, this time in Spanish. Gatitos explotando: https://youtu.be/s7s4eChRXb8
#Caturday #song #challenge #explodingkittens #kickstarter
It was such fun times during the #ExplodingKittens #Kickstarter campaign. Especially the challenges. Here’s Sarah Donner’s #song for #Caturday https://youtu.be/XZLScHRcqxc
#explodingkittens #kickstarter #song #Caturday
While out lunching today, I found Zombie Kittens back in stock, having seemed to have vanished after I'd stumbled upon it once a month or two ago, so I picked it up. A sequel/expansion to the card game Exploding Kittens, which I've found to be fun every time that I have played. #CardGames #ExplodingKittens #ZombieKittens
#cardgames #explodingkittens #zombiekittens
TBH, while I'd love to be positive and supportive and say yes, and while I really enjoyed generating a bunch of these, I just don't think I'd buy it as a card game. Why? I played cards against humanity and found it... meh "ok". I don't really need more. I say this as someone who's already bought #ExplodingKittens and #ThrowThrowBurrito.
Love your sense of humor. Card games are just a tough sell on me.
#throwthrowburrito #explodingkittens
Anyone else feel like this once-in-a-century-floor-fight in the House is akin to a game of Exploding Kittens?
#explodingkittens #gop #politics
Entspannter Abend mit explodierenden Mietzekätzchen...
#explodingkittens #kartenspiel
Played #explodingkittens for the first time today. What an anxiety-inducing 15 minutes! I'm sure I heard the Jaws theme the entire time... 🙀
Any recommendations for a New Years Eve #gamenight for ages 7-14? Mainly looking for #tabletop / #boardgames . Already have #clue #smashUpDisneyEdition #secretHitler #explodingKittens #7wonders #androidNetrunner and #eelsAndEscalators
#gamenight #tabletop #boardgames #clue #smashupdisneyedition #secrethitler #explodingkittens #7wonders #androidnetrunner #eelsandescalators
Terrific party game, highly recommended for 4-5 players. #ExplodingKittens #games