Quite a mix of movies for me this past week but I think it's usually like that. Fist time I watched a movie that actually made me gag. Begs the question (How Much) Is That Doggie In The Window?
#LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched #CultFilms #ExploitationFilms #Horror #FilmNoir #Blaxsploitation
#letterboxdfriday #lastfourwatched #cultfilms #exploitationfilms #horror #filmnoir #blaxsploitation
Good thing I like bad movies.
#LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched #CultFilms #ExploitationFilms #Horror
#letterboxdfriday #lastfourwatched #cultfilms #exploitationfilms #horror
I set the cinematic pretty low this past week and had fun doing it.
#LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched #CultFilms #ExploitationFilms #Horror #Fantasy
#letterboxdfriday #lastfourwatched #cultfilms #exploitationfilms #horror #fantasy
Subscribed to Charles Band's Full Moon Features last night. Straight to the SWV category for a roughie and saw The Wizard Of Gore for the first time.
#LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched #CultFilms #Horror #ExploitationFilms #Sleaze
#letterboxdfriday #lastfourwatched #cultfilms #horror #exploitationfilms #sleaze
#TheLastDrive has a new season and that means a little more #horror each week for awhile. Still plenty of time for some #ScienceFiction . Besides that I'm sick and classic #Drugsploitation is my medicine.
#LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched #CultFilms #ExploitationFilms
#thelastdrive #horror #sciencefiction #drugsploitation #letterboxdfriday #lastfourwatched #cultfilms #exploitationfilms
Wishing a very happy birthday to The Prince of Puke, The Pope of Trash, and one of my all-time favorite filmmakers, John Waters! Here's some original fan art to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #JohnWaters #QueerCulture #QueerCinema #UndergroundFilm #ExploitationFilms #CineMastodon #FanArt #PinkFlamingos #FemaleTrouble #DesperateLiving #TrashCinrma #Art #FanArt #FilmHistory #Birthday
#happybirthday #johnwaters #queerculture #queercinema #undergroundfilm #exploitationfilms #cinemastodon #FanArt #pinkflamingos #femaletrouble #desperateliving #trashcinrma #art #filmhistory #birthday
A new Scream Queen page is live over on the Pit:
The wonderfully cute Kelli Maroney
#screamqueen #screamqueens #exploitationfilms #horrorfilms
I came out of the gutter this week but just for a minute. Thanks for the trash, #Troma . BTW a TromaNOW subscription is free for the first month.
#LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched #CultFilms #ExploitationFilms
#troma #letterboxdfriday #lastfourwatched #cultfilms #exploitationfilms
Time to watch some trash. Troma take me away.
#CultFilms #Horror #ExploitationFilms #TrashCinema #Troma #TromaNOW
#cultfilms #horror #exploitationfilms #trashcinema #troma #tromanow
Mudhoney (German poster) 1965
#film #cinema #movies #MoviePosters #cinemastodon #CultFilms #ExploitationFilms
#film #cinema #movies #movieposters #cinemastodon #cultfilms #exploitationfilms
Mudhoney (German poster) 1965
#film #cinema #movies #MoviePosters #cinemastodon #CultFilms #ExploitationFilms
#film #cinema #movies #movieposters #cinemastodon #cultfilms #exploitationfilms
#TCMUndergroud ending permanently is BULLSHIT. FUCK YOU IN THE NECK #TCM
#tcmundergroud #tcm #cultfilms #bmovies #exploitationfilms
Have a great Waters Wednesday, John Waters fans! Here's a new portrait of Divine that I recently wrapped up!
#WatersWednesday #JohnWaters #Divine #QueerCinema #TrashFilm #ExploitationFilms #CultFilms #DragQueens #FanArt #LGBTQIA #NewArt #Art #PopArt #GrindhouseMovies #QueerFilm
#waterswednesday #johnwaters #divine #queercinema #trashfilm #exploitationfilms #cultfilms #dragqueens #FanArt #lgbtqia #newart #art #popart #grindhousemovies #queerfilm
Supervixens came up in the predictive text on my phone. My phone knows what kind of movies I like. #RussMeyer #CultFilms #ExploitationFilms
#russmeyer #cultfilms #exploitationfilms
On December 18, 1980 Battle Beyond the Stars debuted in Ireland. Here's some original fan art on a Post-It Note to mark the occasion!
#BattleBeyondTheStars #Ireland #RogerCorman #ScienceFiction #SciFiArt #MovieArt #PostItArt #ExploitationFilms #CultFilm #80sSciFi #ScienceFiction #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#battlebeyondthestars #ireland #RogerCorman #sciencefiction #scifiart #movieart #postitart #exploitationfilms #cultfilm #80sscifi #art #moviehistory
Today in psychedelic horror-thriller / midnight movie history: on December 7, 2013 Blue Sunshine and The Big Cube were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here's some original fan art inspired by both features!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #BlueSunshine #TheBigCube #Hippiesploitation #Horror #Thriller #ExploitationFilm #CultCinema #ExploitationFilms #FanArt #Psychedelia #Art #PopArt #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #bluesunshine #thebigcube #hippiesploitation #horror #thriller #exploitationfilm #cultcinema #exploitationfilms #FanArt #psychedelia #art #popart #moviehistory
📼📼 Work in Progress! 📼📼
Been meaning to get to work on some new Doris Wishman-themed pieces. Here's a new portrait of Barbara Kemp inspired by the grindhouse classic Another Day, Another Man. Time to get this to the scanner!
#NewArt #AnotherDayAnotherMan #DorisWishman #CultMovies #SomethingWeirdVideo #AGFA #ArtWIP #PenDrawing #ExploitationFilms #GrindhouseMovies #WomenInFilm #FemaleFilmmakers #IndieFilm
#newart #anotherdayanotherman #doriswishman #cultmovies #somethingweirdvideo #agfa #artwip #pendrawing #exploitationfilms #grindhousemovies #womeninfilm #femalefilmmakers #indiefilm
Happy birthday grindhouse film icon and Thriller: A Cruel Picture star Christina Lindberg! Here's some new original art to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #ChristinaLindberg #ThrillerACruelPicture #GrindhouseMovies #DriveInMovies #ExploitationFilms #FanArt #CultCinema #Art #MastoArt
#happybirthday #christinalindberg #thrilleracruelpicture #grindhousemovies #driveinmovies #exploitationfilms #FanArt #cultcinema #art #MastoArt
On December 4, 2020 The Undertaker and His Pals and Motel Hell were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here's some original art inspired by both films!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #TheUndertakerAndHisPals #MotelHell #HorrorComedy #ExploitationFilms #HorrorMovies #ComedyMovies #OutlawBikerFilm #CannibalFilm #FanArt #MovieArt #MastoArt #Cinemastodon #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #theundertakerandhispals #motelhell #horrorcomedy #exploitationfilms #horrormovies #comedymovies #outlawbikerfilm #cannibalfilm #FanArt #movieart #MastoArt #cinemastodon #moviehistory
On December 2, 1964 The Awful Dr. Orloff debuted in the United States. Here's some original art inspired by the cult classic!
#TheAwfulDrOrloff #ScreamsInTheNight #JessFranco #Horror #ExploitationFilms #HorrorArt #CultMovies #Art #NewArt #HorrorMovies
#theawfuldrorloff #screamsinthenight #jessfranco #horror #exploitationfilms #horrorart #cultmovies #art #newart #horrormovies