@Miro_Collas @openwebfriend
We believe one role of the politician in the USA today is also to have people glued to their devices as much as possible, to extract the most value out of the person for free and other reasons.
Fedi instances generally are not engineered to do that, with the exception of #Mastodon, and its "#ExploreTab" and its new focus on Boost and #LikeCounts that botFarms are designed to game.
#mastodon #exploretab #likecounts
We predicted #MastodonDevs were going to do it years ago, see #PopularityModel to see our intuition in full effect. #intuitivelyCorrectAlmostEverytime #prolific
#botFarms #socialMedia #misInfo #disInfo #exploreTab #exploreTimeline #mastodon #hostileTakeover #diaspora #zhitomirskiy #gased #sanFrancisco #fediverse #fediMeta #moneyPrinterContinues #moneyPrinterGoDrrr
#MastodonDevs #PopularityModel #intuitivelycorrectalmosteverytime #prolific #botFarms #socialmedia #misinfo #disinfo #exploretab #exploretimeline #mastodon #hostiletakeover #diaspora #zhitomirskiy #gased #sanfrancisco #fediverse #FediMeta #moneyprintercontinues #moneyprintergodrrr
Does anyone else think the "Explore" timeline on #Mastodon's implementation goes against what made fediverse so great to begin with?
If not, why?
#mastodon #PopularityModel #exploretab
The #ExploreTab is indeed one of the most toxic #MastodonRegressions that #MastodonDevs have introduced. Also forced javascript. We can see the bots are pumping the #turderatti with instant "#fame".
Interestingly, ninety percent of people complaining about #techLayoffs at the #dotCons were in that joining-window also.
#mastodonBugs #makeJavascriptOptional @james@mstdn.starnix.network @james@pl.starnix.network @james@pleroma.jamesp.org
#exploretab #mastodonregressions #MastodonDevs #turderatti #fame #techlayoffs #dotcons #mastodonbugs #makejavascriptoptional
The #EuropeanCommission is at the top of the #ExploreTab on some servers, so it must be popular and an authority on stuff.
Seriously, fediverse went from noone caring what it says about the #ProxyWar six months ago to a few ex-#twitterBots boosting it.
#europeancommission #exploretab #proxywar #twitterbots
We were trying to work out what this has to do with #Mastodon. Then we realised the service is likely being inundated by a #botFarm, and Mastodon encourages #botFarms now with the #ExploreTab.
We think someone is trying to offer a 'friendly' service they should probably be on an I2P instance anyway?
#mastodon #botfarm #botFarms #exploretab