Poetry News · @haikubot
641 followers · 5485 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Japan in accord with the US and its plan
To restrict exports of chipmaking equipment
For their tech too advanced, their moves furtive
And the Chinese market not to be kept
The Japanese government did this to protect
Their economy and the US intact
Hand in hand with export regulations intact #


#japan #semiconductor #uschina #exportregulations #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Soh Kam Yung · @sohkamyung
556 followers · 11288 posts · Server mstdn.io

Interesting article on the US export regulations as regards to the Huawei ban which shows that it is even more viral than the GPL. Makes me wonder why some people and companies are so against the GPL when they have been operating under an even more viral regime that, worse, is controlled by one entity only.


#usa #exportregulations #gpl #companies #huawei

Last updated 6 years ago