Slickwraps data breach earns scorn for all - The breach earned derision from both the hacker and observers after another hacker exploited the c... more: #securitythreats #vulnerability #exposeddata #databreach #slickwraps #vinylskins #dataloss #datahack #dataleak #lynx0x00 #privacy #breach #hacker
#hacker #breach #privacy #lynx0x00 #dataleak #datahack #dataloss #vinylskins #slickwraps #databreach #exposeddata #vulnerability #securitythreats
Sensitive plastic surgery images exposed online - Researchers at VPN advisory company vpnMentor have found yet another online data exposure caused b... more: #personallyidentifiableinformation #amazonwebservices #securitythreats #dataprotection #plasticsurgery #cloudsecurity #medicalimages #onlineprivacy #cloudstorage #exposeddata #medicaldata #nextmotion #awsbucket #vpnmentor #dataloss #dataleak
#dataleak #dataloss #vpnmentor #awsbucket #nextmotion #medicaldata #exposeddata #cloudstorage #onlineprivacy #medicalimages #cloudsecurity #plasticsurgery #dataprotection #securitythreats #amazonwebservices #personallyidentifiableinformation
UN hacked via unpatched SharePoint server - UN staffers: the "entire domain" was probably compromised by an attacker who was lurking on the UN... more: #unsecretary-general #thenewhumanitarian #securitythreats #gdprcompliance #vulnerability #cve-2019-0604 #hackedservers #exposeddata #sharepoint #dataloss #privacy #gdpr #un
#un #gdpr #privacy #dataloss #sharepoint #exposeddata #hackedservers #cve #vulnerability #gdprcompliance #securitythreats #thenewhumanitarian #unsecretary
Trello exposed! Search turns up huge trove of private data - A surprising number of users seem to be setting Trello boards, and their often highly sensitive co... more: #securitythreats #gmailpasswords #publicboards #exposeddata #craigjones #databreach #publicdata #dataloss #shadowit #privacy #trello
#trello #privacy #shadowit #dataloss #publicdata #databreach #craigjones #exposeddata #publicboards #gmailpasswords #securitythreats
Top 10 IoT Disasters of 2019 - From more widescale, powerful distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, to privacy issues in c... more: #childrenssmartwatch #connectedsmartwatch #locationdata #personaldata #exposeddata #iotsecurity #ddosattack #slideshow #privacy #ddos #gps #iot
#iot #gps #ddos #privacy #slideshow #ddosattack #iotsecurity #exposeddata #personaldata #locationdata #connectedsmartwatch #childrenssmartwatch
Honda Leaks Data of 26K North American Customers - The leaky database was online for about a week, exposing customers' vehicles information and perso... more: #cloudmisconfiguration #elasticsearchdatabase #cloudsecurity #hondasecurity #websecurity #exposeddata #databreach #leakydata #dataleak #breach #honda
#honda #breach #dataleak #leakydata #databreach #exposeddata #websecurity #hondasecurity #cloudsecurity #elasticsearchdatabase #cloudmisconfiguration