The #SCOTUS justices that led the Roe vs Wade overturn are regularly bribed by #billionaires. As you drive across state lines for your #abortion reflect on that. And even imagine for a moment if it were #KetanjiBrownJackson that accepted a #private jet ride to a #luxury $1k/nite fishing vacation in remote #Alaska.
#DeepState #DarkMoney #right #CorruptSCOTUS #corruption #ExposetheTruth #ShadowDocket #StenchontheBench #Republicans #HarlanCrow #PaulSinger #LeonardLeo
#LeonardLeo #paulsinger #harlancrow #republicans #stenchonthebench #shadowdocket #exposethetruth #Corruption #corruptscotus #right #darkmoney #deepstate #Alaska #luxury #private #ketanjibrownjackson #abortion #billionaires #SCOTUS
#Alito penned his defensive op-ed in the rt wing #WallStreetJournal claiming 'misleads its readers'...EVEN BEFORE #ProPublica published its report on him. Says it all.
Except don't forget this acronym: DARVO
Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender
'The reaction tht perpetrators of wrongdoing display in response to being held accountable fr their behavior, a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.' #gaslighting #DARVO #SCOTUS #Corruption #ExposetheTruth
#exposethetruth #Corruption #SCOTUS #darvo #gaslighting #propublica #WallStreetJournal #alito