Looks like we're back in business!
#leapmotion #gesturecontrol #midi #expressiveness #ultraleap
#leapmotion #gesturecontrol #midi #expressiveness #ultraleap
In code, what features makes an abstraction more useful to people who were not involved in developing it? What features inhibit understanding?
#Programming #Abstraction #Readability #Expressiveness
#expressiveness #readability #abstraction #Programming
Cycling back to some #LinnStrument #firmware work.
#linnstrument #firmware #mpe #controller #midi #expressiveness
* I felt more #expressiveness in electronic music was necessary and started asking manufacturers for voice per channel support, then drafted and further contributed to the #MPE specification. Now this is one of the biggest new music technologies rippling through the industry.
When I was a young man ...
#mpe #midi #eigenharp #expressiveness #live #music #original
#mpe #midi #eigenharp #expressiveness #live #music #original