uhhh #expressjs has an 8 years old dependency:
current version of path-to-regexp is 6.2.1 published a year ago
i would like to know what the hell is going on
Oh! Hey! I can just write myself a little #expressJS app to collect the data I need, because we packaged up out API code. That will make this task soooo much easier!
Niedzielę spędzam pod znakiem przyglądania się express.js – dawno, dawno temu bawiłem się w pisanie RESTowego API w PHP i nie przypominam sobie, żeby to było aż tak proste jak przy użyciu Expressa. Fajne te nowe technologie 😎
#expressjs #nodejs #javascript
#expressjs #nodejs #javascript
Mon logger (pino) qui ne logge rien en dessous du niveau INFO, malgré la déclaration `level: 'trace'`, ça te parle ?
Le repouet donne l’haleine fraîche et ravive la libido. :retootPlz:
After several days of working on my #MagicMirror, which is now working as intended, I went back to day 48 of #100DaysOfCode #WebDev. Today was an introduction to #ExpressJS, and the course is running pretty fast now. I really like it, especially because it allows me to play around more and do more useful things with #JavaScript. But on the other hand, I feel I need to repeat a few course sections.
#magicmirror #100daysofcode #webdev #expressjs #javascript
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/42-stories-to-learn-about-expressjs
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/42-stories-to-learn-about-expressjs
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon: http://nitter.platypush.tech/hackernoon/status/1652689316366233601#m
Learn everything you need to know about Expressjs via these 42 free HackerNoon stories. - https://hackernoon.com/42-stories-to-learn-about-expressjs #expressjs #learn
I wrote some #nodejs with #expressjs for my DB class project tonight. I haven't used this tech in many many years. The async/await API makes things much much less terrible.
MEAN - #MongoDB, #ExpressJS, #Angular & #nodeJS - requires only one language / is end-to-end.
It's all free/open-sourced + singularity allows for reusing code throughout any app.
Easily deployable / its own web server. Great for media / publisher clients , GPS/location data + calendars. (2/6)
#mongodb #expressjs #angular #nodejs
Seriously, why the hell does #expressjs not have a zero-conf for "no cors restrictions, no csp restrictions, just fucking work on localhost I am not writing a production server stop trying to pretend we need security". I'm using HTTP for god's sake.
I've certainly used the #ServerlessFramework or #AwsSam (or ECS / EC2) professionally many times, but there is so many decisions that something like #SvelteKit handles for you like #Typescript, dev server reloading, local environment vars, bundling for #serverless, etc. It is so painless to add these frameworks to a service like Vercel or Netlify and get #ContinuousDeployment with zero effort. Do we have full-featured opinionated frameworks like that for an #ExpressJs like setup?
#expressjs #continuousdeployment #serverless #typescript #sveltekit #awssam #ServerlessFramework
Insert missing gif here: McCoy on ST:TMP yelling "Those damn engineers, they love to change things..."
I had no idea how 'opinionated' (it is our opinion that everything you knew about our package is now useless) the 'unopinionated' #expressjs has become.
Seriously, before it was "npm install express" and you had everything you needed.
Now, all that does is install an error handler that says "nothing is installed. try again."
Rest APIs are reliable, scalable, universal, AND, most importantly, they are battle-tested.
#api #Backend #expressjs #rest #http
#api #backend #expressjs #rest #http
The one thing #expressjs is sorely missing is support for async middleware functions. It's so simple to do, I don't see why they don't do it.
Teach Jenn #Backend #Development with #expressjs with @hola_soy_milk video is updated!!
✨Adding timecodes
✨Tools/Languages/Products used
✨Items Briefly Mentioned/Resources
✨Javascript terminology
#backend #development #expressjs #100Devs #100daysofcode #api #restapi #javascript
Spent some time trying to get #Jest to work for our #ExpressJS app that runs in a #DockerCompose set-up. Failing miserably. I know it shouldn’t be this hard. I think I’m going to give up on the approach I was trying and just focus on endpoint testing, if I can figure out how to do that. I miss #Laravel at times like this.
#jest #expressjs #dockercompose #laravel
⚡️Automatically validate #API requests, responses and securities with #openapi and #expressjs 🎉🚀 Try it out!👇
⚡️Automatically validate #API requests, responses and securities with #openapi and #expressjs 🎉🚀 Try it out!👇
Hmmm my render.com service (simple express server with auth) is working fine from my personal laptop (GET, POST) and most routes are working from my work laptop but I'm getting a CORS error for a PUT on the work laptop? I thought I had cors configured correctly. The OPTIONS request is 204, but the PUT 403s. The origin header looks correct.
Any witches/wizards/warlocks out there have any ideas?
The Express CSURF package has been deprecated some months ago for security reasons.😱
Do you know which package is the most used now to manage CSRF?
»#JavaScript is designed for only one use case: to annoy people with browser pop-ups. But today it is used for memory hogging desktop apps with #Electron, janky mobile apps with #ReactNative and unreliable APIs with #ExpressJS.«
#javascript #electron #reactnative #expressjs