Now listening to @poltheoryother : Why capitalism is not 'an economy' with Nancy Fraser
"Nancy Fraser joins PTO to talk about her new book, 'Cannibal Capitalism: How Our System Is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet—and What We Can Do About It'. In the book, Nancy argues that we need to move away from seeing capitalism solely in economic terms, and instead reckon with how capital is always reliant on cannibalising the non-economic, from the natural environment to providers of care and social reproduction, and from the political sphere to racialised populations subject to brutal expropriation outside of the wage system."
#capitalism #labor #labour #Marx #expropriation #exploitation #intersectionality #solidarity #racism #CannibalCapitalism #books
#capitalism #labor #labour #marx #expropriation #exploitation #intersectionality #solidarity #racism #cannibalcapitalism #books
«The province will expropriate land owned by the City of #Toronto at #OntarioPlace if a deal is not reached allowing a provincial redevelopment plan to move forward, a new report says.
#LaneExpropriation is addressed in a draft environmental assessment released this week on Premier #DougFord's plans for Ontario Place, which include a luxury spa, a massive parking garage and the new location for the #OntarioScienceCentre.»
#toronto #ontarioplace #laneexpropriation #dougford #ontariosciencecentre #expropriation #savetoronto #stopdougford
Germany and its churches wrangle over Napoleon's asset grab
#Property #churches #Germany #expropriation #Napoleon #statebenefits #Catholicism #Reformation
#reformation #catholicism #statebenefits #napoleon #expropriation #Germany #churches #property
🇬🇧|#Europe is still miles away from the Paris climate agreement. One obviously hopes for a #CO2-neutral economic miracle, while one pushes the de-industrialization and the #expropriation of the #EU citizens. Stop the Brussels #Fitfor55 delusion!
#Europe #co2 #expropriation #EU #Fitfor55
Ending the fighting by "#peace #negotioations" (surrender to invasion) will not end "the #war": violence will only shift more to #filtration camps, #rape, #torture, #looting, #deportation, #expropriation, ...
Giving enough weapons now to #Ukraine and allowing to push out the invader will not only shorten the war and save Ukrainians and Ukrainian infrastructure, but also Russians, who are sent to the meat grinder.
#Putin #kleptocrat #fascist regime
#peace #negotioations #war #filtration #rape #torture #looting #deportation #expropriation #ukraine #warcrimes #putin #kleptocrat #fascist
🇬🇧|The @europarl_en decided to force building renovation. For many in #Germany this means #expropriation. The development bank @KfW_FZ calculates with 254 billion #Euro #costs. The #CombustionBan already showed what the fake #EU elites are all about. #ID
#Germany #expropriation #euro #costs #combustionban #EU #ID
🇬🇧| 🇩🇪Chancellor @OlafScholz passes the ball to the @EU_Commission in the dispute over the #EU-wide #combustion ban. Now @vonderleyen is to present a plan on #eFuels. Demobilization and #expropriation will not be stopped. #ID #Scholz #Europe
#EU #combustion #efuels #expropriation #ID #Scholz #Europe
Oh #Berlinale what an intelligent und unconventional approach to #colonialism #borders and #petrol #expropriation in #Nigeria
Loved it
#Berlinale #colonialism #borders #petrol #expropriation #Nigeria #discoboy
The paper employs dependency and modernisation theories to problematise the #EU shares in global #deforestation evidenced by the existing datasets.
Significant attention is put on #inequalities, #domination & #expropriation in agrocomodities' production and trade, showing that little has changed since colonial era, except for the share of expropriation from the Global South, which has been growing sharply.
#eu #deforestation #inequalities #domination #expropriation
Norfolk Southern had a record $4.45 billion in 2021 and spent $4.23B on stock buybacks in 2022. They're worth $53B. They've proven those profits are more important than the safety of their railroaders and the communities they serve. It's time to nationalize the railroads!
$NSC #NSC #Railroaders #RWU #Railroad #NationalizeTheRailroads #expropriation #railroads #NorfolkSouthern #EastPalestine
#nsc #railroaders #rwu #railroad #nationalizetherailroads #expropriation #railroads #norfolksouthern #eastpalestine
"Total en #Ouganda : à qui profitera l’or noir ?"
“Toute la zone pétrolière a été extrêmement militarisée avec le soutien d’ailleurs de l’ambassade de France. Les militaires qui ont été déployés dans la zone ont été formés par les soldats français. Macron lui-même a félicité le président ougandais pour sa pseudo-réélection et vante le projet comme moteur d’une #coopération économique.”
#pétrole #extraction #expropriation #emplois #conseilPodcast #TotalEnergies
#TotalEnergies #conseilpodcast #emplois #expropriation #extraction #petrole #cooperation #ouganda
Twice #looted
The paintings are owned by the #Czartoryski family whose entire #Gołuchów collection was seized by the #Nazis in 1941. However, #Poland ignored the family's ownership rights and made a restitution claim to #Spain which in turn ignored the family's counter-claim to prevent this second #expropriation of their #paintings
#looted #czartoryski #goluchow #nazis #poland #spain #expropriation #paintings
How to block Russian assets while protecting Western companies, by #ElisabethBraw (via @foreignpolicy)
#Russia #assets #expropriation #seizure #evidence #sanctions #crime #fraud #moneylaundering #confiscation #StandWithUkraine️ #ForeignPolicy
#elisabethbraw #russia #assets #expropriation #seizure #evidence #sanctions #crime #fraud #moneylaundering #confiscation #StandWithUkraine #foreignpolicy
Castro announced expropriation to family at Christmas
A week before he seized power, Cuba's leader Fidel Castro celebrated Christmas at home for the last time, announcing his family's expropriation.
#xmas #Christmas #expropriation #family #Fidel #Castro #Cuba #socialism #revolution
#Weihnachten #Enteignung #Familie #Fidel #Castro #Kuba #Sozialismus #Revolution
Castro kündigte Familie zu Weihnachten Enteignung an
Eine Woche vor seiner Machtergreifung feierte Kubas Staatschef Fidel Castro zum letzten Mal zu Hause Weihnachten und kündigte dabei seiner Familie die Enteignung an.
#xmas #christmas #expropriation #family #fidel #castro #cuba #socialism #Revolution #Weihnachten #enteignung #familie #Kuba #Sozialismus
Interim success after #Berlin referendum on the #expropriation of big real estate groups:
The expropriation referendum can be implemented, say the members of the expert
commission. Even the costs could go down:
#housing #Germany
#Berlin #expropriation #housing #germany
Ich habe mir ein paar Gedanken zur Diskussion um #Plagiate in der #Wissenschaft gemacht. Mein Vorschlag ist, stärker auf die „normalen“ An- und Enteignungsprozesse zu schauen, die in Plagiaten auf die Spitze getrieben werden, statt auf die Verletzung „geistigen Eigentums“ anzusetzen. #geistigesEigentum #Enteignung #Expropriation
#expropriation #enteignung #geistigeseigentum #wissenschaft #plagiate
"Just as behind Manchester stood Mississippi, so today Kinshasa stands behind Cupertino" - #NancyFraser on how #capitalism has always depended on supplementing the exploitation of waged #workers with the more violent #expropriation or #enslavement of racialised #populations:
#politics #theory #nancyfraser #capitalism #workers #expropriation #enslavement #populations
Dutch government's new #climateagenda will force thousands of #farmers out of business #landgrabbing #expropriation
#expropriation #landgrabbing #farmers #climateagenda
Dutch government's new #climateagenda will force thousands of #farmers out of business #landgrabbing #expropriation
#expropriation #landgrabbing #farmers #climateagenda