More of what appear to be convenient #falseFlag attacks to #extendAndPretend in #Afghanistan.
It seems the #USA know how to deal with #airports (as they currently exist), but only when they belong to countries that they are one day away from evacuting from after 20 years of getting trilllions in #freeMoney to do what is effectively nothing but commit #warCrimes and line pockets of #militaryContractors.
#Kabul #kabulAirport #boondoggle #raytheon #lockheedMartin #micimatt #cantillonEffect
#falseflag #extendAndPretend #afghanistan #usa #airports #freeMoney #warcrimes #militaryContractors #kabul #kabulairport #boondoggle #Raytheon #LockheedMartin #MICIMATT #cantilloneffect