#ExternalValidity #LaboratoryResearch
Experimental Psychologists (e.g., those railing against mediation models).
"What happens in the laboratory, stays in the laboratory"
#externalvalidity #laboratoryresearch
🥁 Reweighting a trial for #ExternalValidity, the target average treatment is best estimated with covariates = treatment effect modifiers (shifted or not)
Covariates that are shifted between the 2 samples but not treatment effect modifiers increase the variance while non-shifted but treatment effect modifiers do not
"A New Way to Think About Internal and External Validity"
#ExternalValidity #bias #PhilSci #theory
Proposes that there are less and more important senses in which one can interpret internal and external validity, which include theoretical, auxiliary, statistical, and inferential assumptions. Suggests that internal and external validity increase or decrease together when there is an emphasis on underlying theories.
#externalvalidity #bias #philsci #theory
Key concepts for informed health choices. 3.1: Evidence should be relevant - AD Oxman, I Chalmers, A Dahlgren, 2022 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01410768221140768?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed
#ExternalValidity #SurrogateOutcomes #EBM
3.2 Expected advantages should outweigh expected disadvantages
#externalvalidity #surrogateoutcomes #ebm #tradeoffs #decisionmaking #bias