Its a terrible idea to use a like CloudFlare even once or for a short time, any data passed to and from the server is intercepted and assessed during that time.

Does have any default protections? Such as temporarily blocking , and other measures?

Agree, anyone involved in ought to know to use .

@bbbhltz @fosstodon

#extortionRacket #mastodon #ddos #IPAddresses #foss #i2p

Last updated 2 years ago

Sweet mother of GordanRamsey, gleasonator itself is CF'd!


This is really sad news. Yes, it basically means we cannot DM .

How long has this been a thing?

Someone later wrote CF fixes SSL and it made us chuckle because Cf is designed as a MITM that completely undermines any encryption.

Sad news. We will recalibrate things in weeks ahead.

Cf is not a service, its an — an old -style scheme for digital.

@alex @realcaseyrollins @batalanto

#Gleasonators #extortionRacket #mafia #extortion

Last updated 2 years ago

This is just a theory but hear us out.

What if Cloudflare CEO, , is either connected to or exposed in the protecting .

In either case, having Prince as CEO of the makes sense. He has a lot to gain in terms of being able to continue his , similar to that creep, and a lot to lose if it fails including unable to cut when Julian is killed and files are released.

Worthy theory?

#sexAddiction #icelandic #TheInternet #childabuse #MatthewPrince #jeffreyepstein #insuranceFiles #assange #extortionRacket

Last updated 3 years ago