#Expand #Extraction #Area huh ?
I like #how #Ibis is improving
#expand #extraction #area #how #ibis
Hey, thanks to you and a billion other people whose work we’ve scraped and used for free, we now have a billion dollar company.
Ah, that’s great, so I guess we can scrape your work too and use it for free?
Fuck no! What are you, a communist?
#artificialIntelligence #ai #machineLearning #ml #llm #SiliconValley #extraction #exploitation #SurveillanceCapitalism #PeopleFarming
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #llm #siliconvalley #extraction #exploitation #surveillancecapitalism #peoplefarming
It's probably a good thing no one lives on the #moon because #colonialism and #extraction are on their way.
#moon #colonialism #extraction
that shape the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of projects.
Of course, the U.N. has good reason to make its declaration. The story of #IndigenousOpposition to #extraction isn’t new, and the #Lakota people are no strangers to extractive industry looking to exploit our homelands. From the protests against the Dakota Access pipeline ( #DAPL ) at #StandingRock to mining in the #BlackHills , these violent practices have a storied #history.
#history #blackhills #standingrock #dapl #lakota #extraction #indigenousopposition
Ich gebe #Extraction (2020) ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ Sterne. #watched #movie #trakt #show #rating #film https://trakt.tv/movies/extraction-2020 #Extraction #trakt
#film #rating #show #trakt #movie #watched #extraction
Ich gebe #Extraction 2 (2023) ★★★★★★★★★☆ Sterne. #watched #movie #trakt #show #rating #film https://trakt.tv/movies/extraction-2-2023 #Extraction2 #trakt
#extraction2 #film #rating #show #trakt #movie #watched #extraction
L’#eau consommée par la métropole de Toulouse provient à 80% d'eau prélevée dans l’#Ariège. Le schéma directeur des #carrières prévoit d'augmenter la production de #graviers alluvionnaires de près de 30 %. L'#extraction de ce gravier sur 16 à 20 mètre créée des lacs soumis à une forte évaporation, qui équivaut à la consommation annuelle d’#EauPotable des Ariègeois. Pour combler en partie les trous où sont prélevés les granulats, on y enfouit des #déchets #climat #béton https://www.eauxglacees.com/Ariege-le-futur-Schema-regional-des-carrieres-d-Occitanie-menace-l-eau-potable?var_mode=calcul
#eau #ariege #carrieres #graviers #extraction #eaupotable #dechets #climat #beton
Still looking for a good hashtag to file all these #LimitedResources stories under. It's the problem that is just mostly ignored via magical thinking. "The entire fleet needs to be #EVs" is met with hurrahs. Very few people realize what that means in terms of #resource #extraction, the hard limits on #lithium or #RareEarth reserves or refining capacity.
We can't consume our way out of something that is an #OverConsumption problem at its core.
#limitedresources #evs #resource #extraction #lithium #rareearth #overconsumption
Just watched #Extraction 1 and 2 back to back. Honestly contenders for top 5 best action movies I've ever seen, sitting alongside The Raid: Redemption and John Wick. It wasn't just the fight choreography that was impressive but the fact that almost ALL of the fight scenes contain the DNA of a oner shot, I know they're not ACTUALLY one takes cause the film nerd in me knows how cuts are hidden, but I adore how much the cinematographers are flexing HARD in these #movies
#Mongolia is next on the bleed them dry #extraction list.
#limitedresources #mongolia #extraction #copper #gold #coal #rareearthmetals
I've been reading William Vollmann's "Carbon Ideologies," and he mentions Carl Sandburg's stunning 1920 poem, "Smoke and Steel":
"A bar of steel--it is only
Smoke at the heart of it, smoke and the blood of a man.
A runner of fire ran in it, ran out, ran somewhere else,
And left--and the blood of a man
And the finished steel, chilled and blue..."
#industrialization #extraction #climate #pollution #labor #modernism
#modernism #labor #pollution #climate #extraction #industrialization
I'm thinking about a story/media to explain and antithesize the legacy of Christian missions and colonial culture — from present day, back to the roots of universalist religion missions and place-based religious cultures, and returning to the present *dis-placed* world we live in to explore we go from here. Can you recommend any people who would be good to collaborate on this? Anybody interested in collaborating or thinking through this together? (A big influence was the historical analysis around "God is Red" on The Red Nation podcast with @NickEstes and @NewAmauta: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/therednation/id/22814192, as well as Vine Deloria Jr's "The World We Used to Live In", which led me to that podcast episode)
Posted on Groundtalk: https://groundtalk.land/#2023-07-30T15:35:18.889+00:00
#colonization #decolonize #anticolonial #religion #place #story #storytelling #media #writing #pagan #MoreThanHuman #ontology #localization #culture #history #anthropology #church #Indigenous #Germanic #Slavic #philosophy #cultural #extraction #liberalism #neoliberalism
#colonization #decolonize #anticolonial #religion #place #story #storytelling #media #writing #pagan #moreThanHuman #ontology #localization #culture #history #anthropology #church #indigenous #germanic #slavic #philosophy #cultural #extraction #liberalism #neoliberalism
In 2019, humans extracted more stuff from the ground than in all of mankind’s history up to 1950. And put back more of it than ever in a more permanent, more harmful form. Congrats everyone!
#earth #metals #minerals #naturalresources #mining #extraction #waste #humans
#earth #metals #minerals #naturalresources #mining #extraction #waste #humans
@Rasp @billstclair
We should add a rather large caveat to what we wrote above.
In today's #neocolonial system, where the #moneySupply is the means of #extraction from the worker (plunder) it is almost impossible to achieve the above stated work environment.
The #corporatist system that allows #moneyPrinting to protect politically connected corporations that are #tooBigToExist, means that the vast majority of #smallHolders are made made extinct.
#neocolonial #moneySupply #extraction #corporatist #moneyPrinting #tooBigToExist #smallholders #bitcoinfixesthis
Folks: why do you hate capitalism so much?
Meanwhile, capitalism: You shouldn’t have a place to live or be able to exist unless you mine people or the planet for profit.
#capitalism #extraction #exploitation #profit
With less than a year to go, the Murray-Darling Basin Plan is in a dreadful mess. These 5 steps are needed to fix it
"The Murray-Darling Basin covers about a seventh of the Australian land mass: most of New South Wales, parts of Queensland, South Australia and Victoria, and all of the Australian Capital Territory. It includes the Murray River and Darling River/Baarka and their tributaries...."
#freshwater #ecosystems #rivers #wetlands #MassFishKills #biodiversity #NSW #irrigation #extraction #transparency #accountability #trust #environment #MurrayDarling #water
#freshwater #ecosystems #rivers #wetlands #massfishkills #biodiversity #nsw #irrigation #extraction #transparency #accountability #trust #environment #murraydarling #water
6 von 10
Any animators / illustrators / media-makers who dig #DragonBallZ, and want to try and bring a #climate crossover script to life? Either way, check it out — you might enjoy the read!
#script #video #media #action #fanfic #ClimateEmergency #Goku #Vegeta #EVs #transit #JohnWick #IronMan #speculativefiction #fanfic #climatefiction #anime #cartoon #animation #illustration #art #agitprop #graphicnovel #comics #comicart #comicbook #LandBack #extraction #mining #lithium #FF #fossilfuels #BigOil #directaction #disruption #fuckcars #carfree #solidarity #agroecology #foodsovereignty #sovereignty #freiza #bikes #morethanhuman #covid #masks #masking #refugee #migrants #mutualaid #orcas #climatedefiance #guerillagardening #ecosocialism #degrowth #postgrowth #Piccolo #kingkai #trunks
#dragonballz #climate #script #Video #media #action #fanfic #climateemergency #goku #vegeta #evs #transit #JohnWick #ironman #speculativefiction #ClimateFiction #anime #cartoon #animation #illustration #Art #agitprop #graphicNovel #comics #comicart #comicbook #landback #extraction #mining #lithium #FF #fossilfuels #bigoil #directaction #disruption #fuckcars #carfree #solidarity #agroecology #foodsovereignty #sovereignty #freiza #bikes #moreThanHuman #covid #masks #masking #refugee #migrants #MutualAid #orcas #climatedefiance #guerillagardening #ecosocialism #degrowth #PostGrowth #piccolo #kingkai #trunks
What's the best spy movie series
(I have not seen a single bond or extraction movie)
#missionimpossible #jamesbond #extraction #johnwick #spy #movie
#missionimpossible #jamesbond #extraction #johnwick #spy #movie