Drum In Peace (EP) by Anonymous Unknown might be louder _and_ more convincing than a superflous fireworks experience. Escapism, haunting, well-organized. Drums and synths. A note of #genX.
#anonymousunknown #extramusic #digitalanaloguehardcore #kansas #themanbehindthescreen #druminpeace
#druminpeace #themanbehindthescreen #kansas #digitalanaloguehardcore #extramusic #anonymousunknown #genx
Reminder: #Santa doesn't cop out on dope.
#extramusic #sonicyouth #noxmas #HappyQuoteUnquoteHolidays #dope
#dope #happyquoteunquoteholidays #NoXmas #SonicYouth #extramusic #santa
Reminder: #Santa doesn't cop out on dope.
#extramusic #sonicyouth #noxmas #HappyQuoteUnquoteHolidays #dope
#dope #happyquoteunquoteholidays #NoXmas #SonicYouth #extramusic #santa
Kling klang drrrrrr pling plang plong.
#extramusic #saitenstock #feliznavidad
Improvisation Sep. 1975
by Toshi Ichiyanagi, Michael Ranta, Takehisa Kosugi - there really is a Bandcamp site, and uncompressed vinyl copies on Soulseek.
However, obviously this was one take before, only faded & split to fit on two sides of a 12".
Official Reissue, copy from vinyl
It would be lovely to have this in one piece, but the master is lost.
#extramusic #year1975 #percussion #liveprocessing #ToshiIchiyanagi #MichaelRanta #TakehisaKosugi
#year1975 #takehisakosugi #michaelranta #toshiichiyanagi #liveprocessing #percussion #extramusic
#tltlt? A warning, when assuming that you have listeners with a limited attention span on their ears. Very common. Tease them with irony.
Example, phantastic
#jazz #postjazz #extramusic #bandcamp #2l2l2 #tltlt
It's time for Karl Blau's intimidatingly humorous interpretation of Tchaikovsky's (oh no not the!) Nutcracker Suite again:
Oh well. *Enjoy.
#Klaps #nutcrackersuite #karlblau #extramusic
Giorgio Dursi finds it, looses it, sees sthg. over there, follows that, gets lost again, he may find "it", or maybe not. That's as unwillingly light, caring, incomparable - and funny - as one can get.
#Unpretentios, in any case, a musical #butterfly.
#extramusic #othermusic #giorgiodursi #berlin #impromptu #soundart #accidentalism #nocomputers
#nocomputers #accidentalism #soundart #impromptu #berlin #giorgiodursi #othermusic #extramusic #butterfly #unpretentios
Isidora Dolores Ibárruri Gómez known as "La Pasionaria" was a Spanish Republican fighter of the Spanish Civil War and a communist politician of Basque origin, known for her famous slogan ¡No Pasarán!.
This is a famous speech of her from Paris 1971 - reworked by Manja Ristić for Amplify 2020, a quarantine Festival initiated by John Abbey.
The whole 6 track album is a beautiful listen.
#extramusic #amplify2020 #manjaristić #johnabbey #newmusic #lapasionaria #nopasaran
#nopasaran #lapasionaria #newmusic #johnabbey #manjaristic #amplify2020 #extramusic
#Fabulous listen this morning is "Criminal Russia" by Mårble (Siberia-born & Saint Petersburg-based Anton Glebov).
I 've no style word for this music. It's alive, story-telling, electr./ac., light/dark, roomy/dry, far/concrete, moving/dwelling, always brief. "Exotica"? The note of a 1960s cruise ship thing is sarcastic.
#Marble rather dances profoundly & viciously smiling on a world-wide Blade Runner grave.
It could be #solarpunk.
#solarpunk #criminal #russianmusic #extramusic #marble #fabulous
#Bristol is still - and was since at least the 90s triphop era - such an incredible hub for very peculiar music, yet often pop-affine. It's rarely dumb, but often colorful & complex.
So here's #extramusic again, Run Logan Run
#punk_jazz #futurepop #peculiar #colorful #complex #clever #emotional #nujazz
#punk_jazz #emotional #Clever #Complex #colorful #peculiar #futurepop #nujazz #extramusic #bristol
Light-hearted & sparse, vocal music by Danish composer Marta Forsberg.
To my ears this is really a pleasure, liking the dry parts more than the big reverbed stuff.
#extramusic #othermusic #berlin #denmark #martafosberg #vocalmusic #experimental #avantgarde #jyderup
#jyderup #avantgarde #experimental #VocalMusic #martafosberg #denmark #berlin #othermusic #extramusic
@dsandler Check out #Sculpture's Elk Cloner for #Zoetrope ++
#extramusic #zoetrope #sculpture
"Earthrise" is amazing ring-modulated texture music.
#ambient #textures #extramusic
#Fezayafirar - playing in Berlin at #Eschschloraque coming Sunday 27th as part of the collective Black on Black, anyone going?
#blackonblack #extramusic #berlin #electronica #modularsynth #modularmusic @radicalmusicberlin
#modularmusic #modularsynth #electronica #berlin #extramusic #blackonblack #eschschloraque #fezayafirar
@Prof_lofi @radicalmusic Didn't know sonomu was Peertube, too. I've many friends on sonomu. Other servers?
As of tagging: On text-based Fediverse I use #extramusic or #othermusic or #soundart respectively - thanks for the hint.
#soundart #othermusic #extramusic
by way of @kompaktkiste
Just say #no to the #psycho #rightwing #capitalist #fascist #industrial #death #machine
#extramusic #machine #death #industrial #fascist #capitalist #rightwing #Psycho #no
Today 19h30 - 21h00 CET (in < 4 hrs) on https://cashmereradio.com/shows/biesentales
Biesentales #60 - hosted by the ever-charming Lippstueck/Samtbody/Ohrlaub.
#Biesentales #extramusic #radio #eclectic #streaming
33 artists on 21 tracks are too many to list here. This compilation is world league electronica with a hang to post post rock - algorhytms, synths & guitars, voices on tapes & computers
Fine explorative work, no kitsch and unafraid of drastic impact here or there.
#cellule75 #hamburg #eletronica #postpostrock #canada #uk #extramusic #interweaving #gapbridger
#gapbridger #interweaving #extramusic #uk #canada #postpostrock #eletronica #hamburg #cellule75
Brioche - Verseuchtes Erbe.
Vocals, percussion, synthesizer.
Hamburg, Künstlerhaus Wendenstrasse et al.
My fav track of the harmonic-aleatoric nonpop album " Too Much", here it lives for the complex-layered vocals.
#extramusic #artmusic #brioche #hamburg #künstlerhaus #wendenstrasse #nonpop #vocals
#vocals #nonpop #wendenstrasse #kunstlerhaus #hamburg #brioche #ArtMusic #extramusic