It’s #Funny to me when someone #Justifies the #fact they don’t know what’s coming in the #Future by saying something like: It’s not like I have a #CrystalBall -
I’ve got a few of them. There’s even one on my #Bookshelf behind me in my #Photo - I own a #Store full of them. While they can be a useful #FocalPoint my #Visions just come out of the #Blue
The #SensoryRealm is a #Reality it’s only called #ExtraSensoryAwareness by those who are lacking it. It’s just part of clearly being #Human
#funny #justifies #fact #future #crystalball #bookshelf #photo #store #focalpoint #visions #blue #sensoryrealm #reality #extrasensoryawareness #human
Yes, I dare to speak - I dare to actually live a life beyond the illusions that are imprinted upon us by a society that feeds us empty ended altered historical lies as truth.
#Truth #TruthBomb #Voice #RaiseTheNarrative #RaiseUp #RaiseVoices #Voice #FreedomOfSpeech #Freedom #Ascension #Consciousness #Senses #ExtraSensoryAwareness #Empath #Psychic #Reincarnation #PastLives #History #Ally #Vision #Spirit #Spirituality
#truth #truthbomb #voice #raisethenarrative #raiseup #raisevoices #freedomofspeech #freedom #ascension #consciousness #senses #extrasensoryawareness #empath #psychic #reincarnation #pastlives #history #ally #vision #spirit #spirituality
#Normalize the use of the #Senses and the #Sensory #Realm - They are part of #Being #Human
#ExtraSensoryAwareness are only #Extra for those failing to use their senses to begin with.
#Reality is much different than the #Domesticated #Narrative of #Society allows to be #Normalized
#normalize #senses #sensory #realm #being #human #extrasensoryawareness #extra #nooffensemeant #reality #domesticated #narrative #society #normalized #raisethenarrative
I believe that we must #normalize the #realities of #sensoryawareness within the #narrative of #discourse of #society.
#extrasensoryawareness is only extra for those unwilling to have the #abilities of #response - the #responsibilities - to pay attention to their being.
#society has been #entrained away from their #senses and #domesticated into a #normalcy that is #unnatural and #disempowering #humanity
#normalize #realities #sensoryawareness #narrative #discourse #society #extrasensoryawareness #abilities #response #responsibilities #entrained #senses #domesticated #normalcy #unnatural #disempowering #Humanity