(2/2)… cleaner, healthier food and #beverage to #Australians and the world.
Now #organicFarms risk losing their certification from nearby use of #toxicSprays. A step in the *wrong* direction.
Another blow for #publicHealth.
Blame the #cronyist govt, #greedDriven #BigPharma, particular #grainGrowers and prospective #GMSoy and #GMCanola #growers, and the #corporateMedia.
#stevenMarshall #cronyism #unintelligencia #canola #canolaOil #soy #Monsanto #Bayer #extremeGreed #farming #agriculture
#beverage #Australians #organicFarms #toxicSprays #publichealth #cronyist #greedDriven #bigpharma #grainGrowers #GMSoy #GMCanola #growers #corporatemedia #StevenMarshall #cronyism #unintelligencia #canola #canolaOil #soy #monsanto #Bayer #extremeGreed #farming #agriculture
The word "#community" has to be the most widely abused word by the #corporateState, and #PublicRelations firms.
From rapatious #mining multinationals to #Facebook: companies are vying to #virtueSignal while feeding on the community.
Perhaps the worst offender is the #extremeGreed-driven #propertyDeveloper. They use… (1/2)
#community #corporateState #publicrelations #mining #facebook #virtuesignal #extremeGreed #propertyDeveloper