Look we need more #humanTrafficking because humane, caring people don't want to force #experimentalMedications on others, nor do they want to take part in whatever it is #BigPhascism think they will get away with under a banner of "public health".
#controlledDemolition #careWorkers #migration #extremeImmigration #labour #workerRights #humanDecency #privacy #evacuateTheCitiesWhileYouStillCan
#humantrafficking #experimentalMedications #BigPhascism #controlledDemolition #careWorkers #migration #extremeImmigration #labour #workerRights #humandecency #privacy #evacuateTheCitiesWhileYouStillCan
@samuraikid@freeatlantis.com @djsumdog
We're not big supporters of #meatEating. It'd be great for many, including in terms of #publicHealth, if we were somehow limited in our #meat intake.
We're quite sure that if we stopped bombing far flung places, incl' staging #coups that destabilise, there'd be no #slaveLabour on our shores in the #massProduction of #meatProducts at #abattoirs.
#meatIndustry #consumption #extremeImmigration #humanTrafficking #bigAg #abattoirWorkers #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT
#meatEating #publichealth #meat #coups #slavelabour #massproduction #meatProducts #abattoirs #meatindustry #consumption #extremeImmigration #humantrafficking #bigag #abattoirWorkers #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT
And remembering there is #immigration and then there's #immigrationAbuse and #refugeeProduction, yes.
We sometimes refer to it as #extremeImmigration also.
#immigration #immigrationAbuse #refugeeProduction #extremeImmigration
#Immigration is by no means a preserve of the #RadicalLeft. Quite the opposite.
In fact, real geninue leftists and unionised workers over the past few hundred years have rallied against #extremeImmigration.
For example workers in northern #UnitedStates once fought to stop the #extremelyWealthy from bringing in workers from the southern US.
Nothing in this world is black and white.
We encourage nuanced debate.
#immigration #radicalleft #extremeImmigration #unitedstates #extremelyWealthy
(2/2) They use #politicalDonations and govt connections to destroy communities and entire neighbourhoods, then have the audacity to use phrases like #BuildingCommunities, while what they are actually doing is impoverishing communities.
#overdevelopment #gentrification #highrisePrisons #prisonLiving #apartmentLiving #lendlease #harryTriguboff #debtPonzi #urbanExpansion #habitatLoss #habitatDestruction #extremeimmigration #fakeGrowth #TownPlanning #corruptPlanning #revolvingDoor #cronyism
#politicalDonations #BuildingCommunities #overdevelopment #gentrification #highrisePrisons #prisonLiving #apartmentLiving #Lendlease #harryTriguboff #debtPonzi #urbanExpansion #habitatloss #habitatDestruction #extremeImmigration #fakeGrowth #townPlanning #corruptPlanning #revolvingdoor #cronyism
Is its the same in the US and Europe?
In #Australia, #bigRealEstate, #propertyTycoons and #businessRoundtables who control the media actually blame people #livingLonger for the need to justify #extremeImmigration levels.
The *real* reason they do it is to pump up their #assetPrices/#housePrices, and to flood their #unethical #corporations with fresh new #workers etc.
Basically a #pyramidScheme.
They couldn't do this during #COVID19 and so we saw a so-called "#recession".
#australia #bigRealEstate #propertyTycoons #businessRoundtables #livingLonger #extremeImmigration #assetPrices #unethical #corporations #workers #pyramidscheme #COVID19 #recession #assetRecession