@samuraikid@freeatlantis.com @djsumdog
We're not big supporters of . It'd be great for many, including in terms of , if we were somehow limited in our intake.

We're quite sure that if we stopped bombing far flung places, incl' staging that destabilise, there'd be no on our shores in the of at .

#meatEating #publichealth #meat #coups #slavelabour #massproduction #meatProducts #abattoirs #meatindustry #consumption #extremeImmigration #humantrafficking #bigag #abattoirWorkers #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago

And remembering there is and then there's and , yes.

We sometimes refer to it as also.

#immigration #immigrationAbuse #refugeeProduction #extremeImmigration

Last updated 3 years ago

is by no means a preserve of the . Quite the opposite.

In fact, real geninue leftists and unionised workers over the past few hundred years have rallied against .

For example workers in northern once fought to stop the from bringing in workers from the southern US.

Nothing in this world is black and white.

We encourage nuanced debate.

#immigration #radicalleft #extremeImmigration #unitedstates #extremelyWealthy

Last updated 4 years ago

Is its the same in the US and Europe?

In , , and who control the media actually blame people for the need to justify levels.

The *real* reason they do it is to pump up their /#housePrices, and to flood their with fresh new etc.

Basically a .

They couldn't do this during and so we saw a so-called "".

#australia #bigRealEstate #propertyTycoons #businessRoundtables #livingLonger #extremeImmigration #assetPrices #unethical #corporations #workers #pyramidscheme #COVID19 #recession #assetRecession

Last updated 4 years ago