The reason why a reverseLottery for the is needed, is because it introduces - or "Constructive Ambiguity".

If everything related is 'set in stone' so to speak, the extremely wealthy will hire the best to go up to the thresholds of what is "".

By introducing a , those start to go out the window.

It just won't be worth playing these myopic tricks.

#extremelyWealthy #uncertainty #tax #taxLawyers #legal #SlidingScaleOfUncertainty #perverseIncentives #taxavoidance #ConstructiveAmbiguity

Last updated 4 years ago

If a doesn't pay at least 50% in tax, but through , they should go into a database. At random one (or 2%) of these will have to pay 70% of their yearly in that country in tax or be .

Our namesake, , as part of his movement wanted the to pay they way.

He called for more on tax returns – to shame those , wealthy few.

#billionaire #laundersIdentity #philanthropy #billionaires #revenue #brokenUtp #DickSmith #FairGo #extremelyWealthy #transparency #greedy #fauxlanthropy #reverseLottery

Last updated 4 years ago

We knew that would rear its head eventually but the way they are using the virus to build is dishonest.

They likely saw what happened in with the and they thought, better to use a proxy like . Also was a convenient scapegoat to raid people's , last year.

It also means the , and can still fly. If we declared scarce oil then, everyone would need to ration energy use.

#peakoil #apartied #france #yellowvests #covid #superannuation #extremelyWealthy #celebrities #MICIMATT #neofeudalism

Last updated 4 years ago

From what we can tell, its for the 99% with unaffected for the and 1%.

Many of the people who could afford to leave or , for example, have left. They appear to have gone to less populated regions and .

Just one of the reasons why we say is bad news. It allows the…1/5

#peakoil #travel #corporatists #extremelyWealthy #ny #london #islands #overdevelopment

Last updated 4 years ago

Pick your machine that will work for you.

The have picked killerDrones and have average people training them courtesy of . They worship .

People have used machines for hundreds of years. We need to decide what technology is for us and what is for them…

And we better not take too long about it.

Our choices are and that enslave us, or and to empower us.

@bob @aral @actualsteerpike

#extremelyWealthy #hCaptcha #theBeautyOfTheirWeapons #ai #walledgardens #bitcoin #libresoftware

Last updated 4 years ago

Have people worked out that the extremelyWealthy are now just buying every time money is printed for them?

The only difference between how an elite and how a pleb buys bitcoin is that the pleb stores their keys unencrypted on a server owned by the .

Later when elite steal your coins they will blame it on "".

Tell your friends to be very careful.

#bitcoin #extremelyWealthy #hackers #notYourKeysNotYourBitcoin #pirates #swindlers #pgp #gpg #startUsingEncryption #useencryption

Last updated 4 years ago

The 2nd episode of this is really over the top with , which abuses the environment like nothing we had seen before, and helped fund the rise of in the 1930's.

is stuff. People crow about it today under the label, (). Be super wary of them. The fact is we are living under MMT already, and it serves the and well-connected. The pretend that we don't have this, because…1/2

#KeynesianEconomics #germany #keynesianism #deathcult #modernmonetarytheory #mmt #extremelyWealthy #MMTPushers

Last updated 4 years ago

2/2…, (note we mine here in Australia), , , … and much more.

We lamented these and other abuses and the labelled us or flatly ignored us, rather than reducing 's dependence on China. Now many smooth-talking have been booted out of China and and they want you on their side.

Keep this firmly in your mind.

You are being played by the wealthy yet again.

#environmentalVandalism #nuclearEnergy #Uranium #GhostCities #overdevelopment #pollution #extremelyWealthy #racist #australia #westerners #hongkong

Last updated 4 years ago

Those in positions of power cannot engage with those people who know the truth about them. They would rather throw them money to do nothing than attempt to employ them in any meaningful way.

People who understand the nature of the are dangerous and cannot be allowed to interact with the .


#totalitarian #corporateState #extremelyWealthy

Last updated 4 years ago

We will be facing much bigger threats than even , like the post- collapse.

Expect the to barracade themselves from the rest of us.

That's when things will really get ugly. Think , , , on every street corner and every .

That's when we really need to be worried. We need to fight for in an depleted future?

#climatechange #peakoil #extremelyWealthy #privateIslands #dronewarfare #radiationWarfare #masssurveillance #workSite #humanity #energy

Last updated 4 years ago

is by no means a preserve of the . Quite the opposite.

In fact, real geninue leftists and unionised workers over the past few hundred years have rallied against .

For example workers in northern once fought to stop the from bringing in workers from the southern US.

Nothing in this world is black and white.

We encourage nuanced debate.

#immigration #radicalleft #extremeImmigration #unitedstates #extremelyWealthy

Last updated 4 years ago

Stop driving though our posh suburb yelling . We are and don't pay taxes so people like you die in on near .

We went to great lengths to suppress so we don't see or hear about you precious being . ""? Pfft whatever. We live in luxury courtesy of and producing quality and - and love .

Keep your ethics off our street!

#FreeJulianAssange #extremelyWealthy #highrise #slums #airpollution #corporatemedia #journalism #onTrial #TrialOfTheCentury #bombing #refugees #migrantWorkers #weaponsManufacturing

Last updated 4 years ago

If Progressive which affects the translates to better (read: ) against the worst excesses of , as it would under a GreenParty not beholden to them would - then, !

@realcaseyrollins @alex @sean @moth

#LandTax #extremelyWealthy #regulation #protections #bigBusiness #heckYes

Last updated 4 years ago

It's good to see that some in have been able to identify as a . Designed to enrich the , and the , while regular honest , , and the are left behind.

Good to see people hashtagging and but what did you make of those hashtags?

Did you actually ?

This is why we need and more using Tor and I2P.

#australia #jobkeeper #scam #powerElite #extremelyWealthy #Australians #casualWorkers #unemployed #lessFortunate #NoWorkersLeftBehind #wagesubsidyforall #organise #alternativemedia #getNEOed #inequality

Last updated 4 years ago

Do people in rich neighbourhoods like it when you protest for while passing through their treelined, peaceful streets?

Honest question.

I personally think they would because at least on social media, they tend to signal their virtue a lot.

#julianassange #FreeJulianAssange #NoMoreWar #JailTheWarCriminals #virtueSignalling #aristocrats #powerElite #extremelyWealthy #CEOs

Last updated 4 years ago
is supposed to be 15% of what you might get as if you rented the property.

This is designed to spread the load over the , who have land that is a lot more and/or in the expensive areas, when compared to most peoples' land.

Currently we are being forced to pay more because the extremely wealthy use phony statements, , and other tricks.

There is a fairer system kept hidden.
@nerdman @kaikatsu @kino

#LandTax #rent #tax #extremelyWealthy #productive #profitLoss #blindtrusts #taxHavens

Last updated 5 years ago

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

We've been doing sums in and finding similar and to the .

The unemployed are getting a measley 1/3rd of what the corporates are getting. That was when the "" was $17 billion.

Now they're printing over $100 billion!

#australia #corporatism #favoritism #extremelyWealthy #stimulus #takingEarthPrivate #centralBanking #CEOs #wealthExtraction #neofeudalism #bitcoin #whyBitcoin #whyHardMoney #landTaxNow

Last updated 5 years ago

Over the past decade there's been a bevvy of faux buying on .

These are part of a and to make us think we are getting more while we our (aka ).

The reality is we are poorer than ever. And only the have benefitted from the .

has brought this to a head - but let's make no mistake...

didn't **cause** anything.

#realestate #programming #television #programmes #confidenceTrick #socialengineering #wealthy #offshore #meansofproduction #manufacturing #extremelyWealthy #offshoring #coronavirus #COVID19

Last updated 5 years ago

Indeed. It would not surprise us that the (aka ) fund both and .

They do this so they are well thought of by both sides.

So no matter who wins, their ill-gotten gains are safe.

went to great lengths to point this out in his epic historical piece, that everyone needs to see at least once in their lifetime:

#globalistElite #extremelyWealthy #bankers #trump #biden #FrancisRichardConally #richMansTrick

Last updated 5 years ago