Good News, Everyone!
This weekend I cracked[0] Sir Simon Baron-Cohen's laptop, and uploaded one gibibyte[1] estrogen to his hard drive.
I took a screenshot of his lock screen as evidence that I didn't just make this up.
#Spectrum10K #TheoryOfMind #ToB #ExtremeMaleBrain #EMB
[0] Hacking ain't cracking, hmkay.
[1] This is why your own hard drive is always smaller than it says on the tin.
#Spectrum10K #theoryofmind #tob #extrememalebrain #emb
SBC has been touting the need for an IQ-based classification of #AllAutistics into useful (‘genius’) and not-useful (‘profound’) groups, an idea that is so obviously regressive and harmful to everyone
Anyway, I then came across this birdsite thread by Erin Ekins, in which she helpfully points out the equally regressive and harmful nature of his widely cited #ExtremeMaleBrain theory:
#allautistics #extrememalebrain