Whenever I fear ANY developer committing code to the main branch, regardless of experience or skill, I am saying “I no faith in our automated software delivery process.”
What I fear most is my lack of a proven process (or experience) to empower teams so “they” can safely build that which I’ve never done before.
GOOD. This is a chance to practice #ExtremeProgramming (XP) and #ExtremeOwnership. To be transparent, vulnerable, to practice humility in sight of those I serve. Together, we got this!
#extremeprogramming #extremeownership
Before uttering the word “rewrite” make sure you have read the book, #ExtremeOwnership. Then show some of your code in production, used by actual users, at an equivalent scale.
Neither #microservices nor #monoliths will solve the root cause of putting in the hard work to: listen first, learn deeply, and take serious mastering the craft of software development and delivery.
#extremeownership #microservices #monoliths
"Don't ask your leader what you should do, tell them what you are going to do."
#extremeownership #management #gamdev
The worst part — it’s *so* common.
Also, work with developers through the whole process, instead of handing off deliverables and expecting a perfect result. Or worse, don’t be mad at engineers if the outcome doesn’t meet your expectations. Own it and drive it. Take responsibility and don’t make excuses. #ExtremeOwnership
How much you are willing to lose?
What do you need in order to make it plausible?
That is is up to you to carefully determine #ExtremeOwnership
Had a rougher day than I wanted. Went on-site with a customer I haven't seen in 3 years to help him try out a new workflow, but with data issues and outdated docs from my devs, it just didn't quite gel. More prep on my part could have headed this off, but he's very accommodating and we'll be done tomorrow. Time to reflect and extract some lessons on doing more homework. #extremeownership