Excellent article de @sroccaserra sur la simplicité et sur #eXtremeProgramming
Whenever I fear ANY developer committing code to the main branch, regardless of experience or skill, I am saying “I no faith in our automated software delivery process.”
What I fear most is my lack of a proven process (or experience) to empower teams so “they” can safely build that which I’ve never done before.
GOOD. This is a chance to practice #ExtremeProgramming (XP) and #ExtremeOwnership. To be transparent, vulnerable, to practice humility in sight of those I serve. Together, we got this!
#extremeprogramming #extremeownership
While there are still vocal proponents of #TDD, #BDD, #ExtremeProgramming & variations, it struck me today that people getting into software development now probably don’t realize how hyped those concepts were a decade-ish ago. These days they feel more like a personal preference for some than an organizational, or even team, decision.
I’d attribute some of that to the shift towards statically types languages, but also that the developer role today feels more individualistic in general.
So far I've found a paper on Arxiv (https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.06868), but it seems the authors know little of #agile or #extremeprogramming
I chatted with the #MobProgramming folks at Mob Mentality about why I offer two day certified training. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7051579968551600130/ #ExtremeProgramming
#mobprogramming #extremeprogramming
2-week-sprints come from a time where feedback loops where in the area of months, or even years. In a world where a project needs 6 months of specification before starting to involve developers, this was revolutionary and new.
These days things are very different, and I find the notion of a maximum of 14 days between implementation and feedback from stakeholders very odd. #extremeprogramming
@rickardlindberg folks who were around back then discussed all things #extremeprogramming on Ward's c2 wiki. It's still relevant to poke around there today https://wiki.c2.com/?ExtremeProgramming
January 2023 Update: starting a new #python project, learning about #extremeprogramming (XP) and #practice, thinking more about #continuousintegration and making more #youtube videos.
#python #extremeprogramming #practice #continuousintegration #youtube
Blog: 'Technical debt' is an incomplete model.
#TechnicalDebt frames cost of change as something that goes up as we add design flaws and goes down as we remove them. #ExtremeProgramming suggests an alternative.
#technicaldebt #extremeprogramming
@cvennevik Yep, find out what is good and then find out how to turn it up to eleven. #ExtremeProgramming
#SoftwareArchitektur im #Stream
#ExtremeProgramming (#XP) - eine Retrospektive
Aufzeichnung (Video / Podcast) verfügbar:
#softwarearchitektur #stream #extremeprogramming #xp
- Story Points Revisited: https://ronjeffries.com/articles/019-01ff/story-points/Index.html
- The NoEstimates Movement: https://ronjeffries.com/xprog/articles/the-noestimates-movement/
#agile #scrum #storypoints #extremeprogramming #noestimates
@exchgr The #ExtremeProgramming community called this #TheFourVariables https://jchyip.medium.com/four-variables-cost-time-quality-scope-f29b4de8bfdf
#thefourvariables #extremeprogramming
#SoftwareArchitektur im #Stream
HEUTE 12:00
#ExtremeProgramming (#XP) - eine Retrospektive
Mehr Informationen und Möglichkeit für Fragen: https://software-architektur.tv
#softwarearchitektur #stream #extremeprogramming #xp
#SoftwareArchitektur im #Stream
MORGEN 12:00
#ExtremeProgramming (#XP) - eine Retrospektive
Mehr Informationen und Möglichkeit für Fragen: https://software-architektur.tv
#softwarearchitektur #stream #extremeprogramming #xp
#SoftwareArchitektur im #Stream
Freitag 20.1. 12:00
#ExtremeProgramming (#XP) - eine Retrospektive
Mehr Informationen und Möglichkeit für Fragen: https://software-architektur.tv
#softwarearchitektur #stream #extremeprogramming #xp
To be fair, I suppose the #Agile as a synonym for #ExtremeProgramming used in the first edition of #TheArtOfAgileDevelopment should also be considered annoying.
#theartofagiledevelopment #extremeprogramming #agile
Did the #Scrum community co-opt #ExtremeProgramming concepts and practices but misunderstand them? This feel like a miniature version of what #SAFe does.
#safe #extremeprogramming #scrum
One of the advantages of #ExtremeProgramming is that it's unlikely that you'll make the mistake of assuming technical practices are not part of the "basics"
@darcher @rebeccawb thanks!
I always cower when hearing the 'doc' word ☺️😳
To be honest my xp with them is not great (always worked at a fairly small team) as keeping up to date is a pain.
I guess I sit with the #extremeprogramming crew on that topic 😅