Deadhorse Airport at Prudhoe Bay, #Alaska high temperature 70F (21.1C) through Monday 4pm AKDT. This is the earliest date in year on record with a temperature of 70F or higher. Previous earliest was June 14, 2013. Climate observations in the Prudhoe Bay area in 1969. #akwx #Climate #ExtremWeather #ClimateDiary
#alaska #akwx #climate #extremweather #climatediary
I STILL urge everyone to tf stop using the end of the century (2100) as a reference.
It is WAY to "comfortable" out of anyones lifetime to feel directly threatend enough to REALLY start acting personally.
According to science (and news) the climatechange is already happening NOW and tipping points are reached even faster than predicted.
It will start to affect everybodies everyday life much sooner than 2050. It does already the global south. #droughts #floods #extremweather #globalsupplychaines #lackoffood #lackofwater
Apparently there is no real sign of governments to act accordingly. 😡
#droughts #floods #extremweather #globalsupplychaines #lackoffood #lackofwater #nomoreblahblahblah