Kathleen Fuller, PhD · @KathleenFuller
119 followers · 260 posts · Server mstdn.social


Learn how personality differences based on Gretchen Rubin's The Four Tendencies and on Introversion and Extroversion can improve teams at work.

#dranthtalks #Work #extroversion #introversion #fourtendencies #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
151 followers · 993 posts · Server mstdn.social

These poll results are a rather small sample size 🤣 but nonetheless remain consistent with my "pet theory" about extroversion as it relates to cat & dog natures & corresponding energy levels. Likewise, extroversion, introversion, & ambiversion all relate to energy source location (interval vs. external) & management.

#personalityscience #personality #mbti #extroversion #pets #dogsofmastodon #CatsOfMastodon #mastodogs #MastoCats #Dogs #Cats #extrovert #venndiagram #Poll #polls #PollResults

Last updated 2 years ago

C.L. Irwin :verified: · @authorclirwin
118 followers · 838 posts · Server mstdn.social

FOR EXTROVERTED PET OWNERS ONLY: How much overlap exists within the trait cluster "extrovert" + "dog OWNER" + "cat OWNER"? Let's find out. Please choose ONE of the below selections that apply, so we can make our very own Mastodon community Venn diagram of sorts via this poll. Are you a...?

#personalityscience #personality #mbti #extroversion #pets #dogsofmastodon #CatsOfMastodon #mastodogs #MastoCats #Dogs #Cats #extrovert #venndiagram #Community #Mastodon #MastodonCommunity #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

How much overlap exists within the trait cluster "extrovert" + "dog lover" + "cat lover"? Let's find out. Please check ANY or ALL of the below identities that apply, so we can make our very own Mastodon community Venn diagram of sorts via this poll. Are you a...?

#personalityscience #personality #mbti #extroversion #introversion #dogsofmastodon #CatsOfMastodon #mastodogs #MastoCats #Dogs #Cats #extrovert #ambivert #introvert #venndiagram #Community #Mastodon #MastodonCommunity #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

How much overlap exists within the trait cluster "introvert" + "cat lover" + "dog lover"? Let's find out. Please check ANY or ALL of the below identities that apply, so we can make our very own Mastodon community Venn diagram of sorts via this poll. Are you a...?

#personalityscience #personality #mbti #extroversion #introversion #dogsofmastodon #CatsOfMastodon #mastodogs #MastoCats #Dogs #Cats #extrovert #ambivert #introvert #venndiagram #Community #Mastodon #MastodonCommunity #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

How much overlap exists within the trait cluster "extrovert + dog lover + coffee drinker + sports fan"? Let's find out. Please check ANY or ALL of the below identities that apply, so we can make our very own Mastodon community Venn diagram of sorts via this poll. Are you a...?

#Science #Community #personality #personalityscience #mbti #extroversion #mastodogs #Dogs #Coffee #sports #extrovert #CoffeeDrinker #sportsfan #doglover #venndiagram #MastodonCommunity #Mastodon #Poll #pleaseboost

Last updated 2 years ago

@wildarchaic Yep, I'm familiar with all of those authors/researchers, which probably isn't surprising given our discussion topic.🤣 Based on everything I've learned with regard to , I'd agree with Brian Little that traits are dynamic. Of course, it's possible for to temporarily shift into to accommodate . There IS an energy cost to it, but it's possible. It's telling that extroverts rarely do as much work in the other direction.😂

#extroverts #extroversion #introverts #personality #NeuroScience

Last updated 2 years ago

Steffi Kowalski · @SteffiKowalski
79 followers · 70 posts · Server nrw.social

🤔🤓 Introvertiert in der Partnerschaft: Ja, nein, vielleicht? Manchmal!

🥰 @sozialpr und ich hatten ein tolles Gespräch mit Esther Willbrandt.


#introversion #extroversion #partnerschaft

Last updated 2 years ago