Du bist auf der Suche nach hochwertigen Filamenten für dein 3D-Druckprojekt? Dann hast du Glück! Denn nur für kurze Zeit bekommst du 20% Rabatt auf die Filamente von extrudr mit dem Code EX_THINKTWICE. Extrudr ist ein führender Hersteller von nachhaltigen und innovativen Filamenten aus Europa. Egal ob du PLA, PETG, ABS oder andere Materialien brauchst, bei extrudr findest du die passende Lösung für deine Anforderungen. Aber beeil dich, denn dieses Angebot gilt nur bis zum 13. September 2023. Nutze jetzt die Chance und bestelle deine Filamente von extrudr mit dem Code EX_THINKTWICE und spare 20%! #teilenerlaubt #extrudr #3ddruck #3dprint #share
#teilenerlaubt #extrudr #3ddruck #3dprint #share
So I finally decided to #3dprint a fully functional (miniature) #GrandPiano featuring 34 keys incl. working pedals and a complete Keybed & Action Mechanism (in Germany we say "Hammermechanik").
This is going to be the most complex and time consuming 3d print #project I have ever done and it is going to be the most expensive one as well.
While still being busy with collecting everything necessary to build this #instrument, I couldn't resist starting to print some black key caps - because my printer was loaded with #extrudr PLA NX2 Black anyway, lol.
I really love the results so far! :)
#3dprint #grandpiano #project #instrument #extrudr
@jeff I print mostly PLA. Lately I like marble PLA, the particles hide the layer lines quite well. For more "mechanical" prints I like the #extrudr materials. They do also have PLAs that withstand higher temperatures in case you need that at some point. For the beginning the best prints are improvements for the printer (like tool holder and so on).
Later I convinced my wife that the printer was a good idea by designing and printing some repairs to household stuff. 😉
RT @extrudr
For this year's Cyber Week, we are offering bigger discounts than ever before with up to -50%! 📢
👉Code: EXCYBER2021
- 20% TPU
- 30% ASA, GreenTEC, GreenTEC Pro, Flax, Wood
- 40% PLA, Biofusion, ABS, XPETG
- 50% PETG
#cyberweek #3dprinting #extrudr