Listening to a podcast ep about evangelical Christian children’s songs, and this quote almost needs no context:
“It’s really hard to tell if this song is incredibly problematic, or just written in the 80s”
(PS: chances were it was written in the 50s, soooo….. )
😂😂😂 #exvangical
This week we talk about Jerry Falwell fragile ego and when he sued hustle magazine because of a parody advertisement. #exevangelical #jerryfalwell #pornography #libertyuniversity #exvangical #formerchristian #spiritual #religion
#religion #spiritual #formerchristian #exvangical #libertyuniversity #pornography #jerryfalwell #exevangelical
Love that we've barely finished celebrating his birth and we're already starting to capitalise on his crucifixion 😬
#capitalistchristianity #exvangical
I’ve always found the sing-song of religious preaching a little weird. To me, it makes things a little less authentic or honest. I find it even stranger now that I’ve been away from it for so long. Different traditions have different cadences, but they all have some aspect of sing-song or “speaking from the pulpit” voice. #exvangical
We keep talking porn. This week we talk about the tools that the evangelical church uses to battle pornography and how it harms their followers. #exevagelical #exvangical #exchristian #evangelical #deconstruct #deconstruction #igotout #mentalhealth #religioustrauma
#ReligiousTrauma #mentalhealth #igotout #deconstruction #deconstruct #Evangelical #exchristian #exvangical #exevagelical
We are still on our series on pornography. We talk about The Promise Keepers and it’s founder Bill McCartney. #exvangical #exevagelical #christianity #exchristian #ReligiousTrauma #cptsd #purityculture #evangelical #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #Evangelical #purityculture #cptsd #ReligiousTrauma #exchristian #christianity #exevagelical #exvangical
"Do not waste time bothering whether you ‘love’ your neighbor; act as if you did. As soon as we do this we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you loved someone, you will presently come to love him."
#WhiteChristianNationalism and #Christofascism is not #ActualChristianity
#cslewis #quote #exvangical #whitechristiannationalism #christofascism #actualchristianity
I’m not quite sure why I’ve decided to spill this tonight. But being #exvangical means grief hits at odd moments, in odd ways. Social justice is absolutely part of the gospel as I understand it, and it breaks my heart that the people who raised me to evangelize have such ugly things to pass on when the beautiful, healing aspects of Christian faith are *right there,* if they chose to see.
@SrRochardBunson "Where are the #Exvangical mastodoners?" Hello! You rang?
Seriously, though. #Christians should be against a #theocracy as much as #atheists.
Because when it comes down to it, it only works if you agree with their dogma. Christian Nationalism only benefits #white, #evangelical, #charismatic #fundamentalists who believe the Bible is a bludgeon and that they have some kind of divine mandate to purge the "sinful and demonic" (both of which they get to define ad hoc).
#exvangical #christians #theocracy #atheists #white #evangelical #charismatic #fundamentalists
I follow this stuff a lot and it really comes down to one question.
Do you think that the USA is and/or should be a Christian nation?
Yes = Christian Nationalist
No = everyone else, including Christians that believe we should live in a modern, pluralistic society
#WhiteChristianNationalism and #Christofascism is not #ActualChristianity
Where are the #Exvangical mastodoners?
#whitechristiannationalism #christofascism #actualchristianity #antifa #exvangical
Sitting by the fire with a nice cup of tea instead of going to church. #deconstruction #Exvangical
And… we’re back. Actually back. And we’re a bit rusty, a bit cynical sounding, mildly sweary, and mildly… well.
We’re looking for good news to share for next week!
Listen here.
#podcasts #podcasting #podcast #ChristianPodcast #Exvangical
#podcasts #podcasting #podcast #christianpodcast #exvangical
Obligatory introduction post:
Used to work in #qualitymanagement at a hospital- not I work for a small #msp running the #helpdesk .
Love #knitting and do passable #crochet. Splurge on #lego when I can.
#mom #grandmother and #birthmother
I live in a zoo with 2 #dogs 1 #cat 2 #rats 2#budgies a #turtle a #leopardgecko and my child who has #autism
#qualitymanagement #msp #helpdesk #knitting #crochet #lego #mom #grandmother #birthmother #dogs #cat #rats #turtle #leopardgecko #autism #exvangical
If you went to Christian school or were homeschooled, you probably were taught through Abeka books. We go back to the 4th grade United States History. #deconstruction #exvangical #exevangelical #christian #ChristianNationalism #homeschool #church #school
#school #church #homeschool #ChristianNationalism #christian #exevangelical #exvangical #deconstruction