While I use some in-#Emacs tools (e.g. #mastodonEl, #mu4e, #EXWM of course, #magit, etc.), I find #jabberEl pretty outdated compared to modern #Jabber clients like #Dino, #Gajim or #Profanity. And #eww feels very slow compared to #Firefox 🙁 (C-x 8 RET SLIGHTLY FROWNING FACE RET).
#firefox #eww #profanity #gajim #dino #jabber #JabberEl #magit #exwm #mu4e #mastodonel #emacs
@maridonkers @oantolin I still have nyxt on my agenda. What keeps me a bit, ironically, is using it inside emacs (i.e. on #exwm) so nyxt and emacs collide a bit. I might test it on a different WM first.
But leaving that aside, the charm of eww is more that it's more integrated into emacs and also less resource hungry than a fully fledged browser.
I run #EXWM so in some sense I do everything in emacs, but now I'm disappointed there isn't a lichess.el... summer project maybe
@jvillasante There's an obscure config option in GTK+ (or used to be?), but it never worked well for me because various app things would conflict. But I've learned that #exwm has `exwm-input-simulation-keys` that you can use to translate Emacs-y keybindings into what other apps expect. For example
(setq exwm-input-simulation-keys
'(([?\C-b] . [left])
([?\C-w] . [C-x]) ;; cut
It seemed hacky at first, but now I love it.
I have been using a combination of #kdeplasma and #exwm for a few years now, semi-successfully. At the cost of giving up some plasma goodies, I have #emacs keybindings everywhere. It's not perfect but I am happy. I switched over exactly for this reason, although I had already been using another tiling wm so it was not a big jump.
Sometimes (maybe 1/8 of the time?) when I start #exwm it opens with *scratch* and *Warnings* side-by-side instead of just *scratch*. *Warnings* is empty, but exwm apparently didn't initialize correctly; my exwm-input-global-keys work, but X11 windows just float on top without a border and #emacs doesn't know about it, and my exwm-input-simulation-keys don't work.
This is with a already-running emacs --daemon, and my .xinitrc runs emacsclinet --create-frame --eval '(exwm-init)'
I've just realised that half of the key bindings I have defined for #StumpWM are invoking #emacsclient to bring up specific #Emacs windows/buffers.
I used to use #exwm but stopped due to the lack of multithreading. The combination of StumpWM and the Emacs server gives me pretty much the same in the end.
#exwm #emacs #emacsclient #stumpwm
@chriscochrun @phundrak @loke Nice recommendations, thanks.
Im sticking to #exwm for the moment, as Im trying to stay inside Emacs as much as possible.
Given the evolution of #GuixHome it would be super to assess whether I should make the switch to a Guile flavour.
Im overdue rejigging my setup one way or another. Getting my configuration into GuixHome will be the way of resolving some niggles and giving the freedom to switch setups for these functionalities.
Im glad Wayland is progressing!
Nice video "Flat buffer-based web browsing with #EXWM and #Firefox" by @nachobarrientos
#tilingwm #x11 #emacs #firefox #exwm
@nytpu I now run Emacs as window manager (#exwm) and while #orgmode does work on the terminal (which I like a lot — and actually use at times), with variable font-sizes, inline latex- and image-preview and modern unicode, the gtk-display of the UI is very far from a typical TUI.
It has full GTK-widgets¹² nowadays, and with doom emacs³ and spacemacs⁴ it rivals IDEs in polish.
¹ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSkZwI78t6g
² https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He83coKoq7o
³ https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/tree/screenshots#emacsd-screenshots
⁴ https://www.spacemacs.org/