I knew that the Panama Canal was dependant on Fresh Water from a large lake in southern Panama, so no big surprise that since Panama is having a major drought this year, traffic through the Canal has been impacted(1).
But did you know the Suez Canal depends on Fresh water too!? In the literal middle of a desert. For some reason, this blew my mind. It's also, obviously, not doing well with drought and increased demand on precious water(2).
It seems the two major world “shortcuts" for our shipping networks are in a bit of a pickle. Who could have predicted this? Your stuff on the Slow Boat from China might be taking a little longer. Or perhaps we should re-localize our production?
And decarbonizing RFN all those factories and ships would be good too. Also, clean electrification of trans-continental railways seems good. We have the answers. We know what to do. Do it.
#climatechange #climateCrisis #ScientistsKnow #ExxonKnew #EndFossilFuels #localization #Transition #Shipping #Suez #PanamaCanal
(1) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a-severe-drought-is-affecting-the-panama-canal-that-s-not-a-good-sign-for-supply-chains-or-your-holiday-shopping/ar-AA1fO5Vp
(2) https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/historic-drought-hot-seas-slow-panama-canal-shipping-2023-08-21/
#climatechange #climatecrisis #scientistsknow #exxonknew #endfossilfuels #localization #transition #shipping #suez #panamacanal
Scientist Rebellion Germany on Instagram: ""In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil company @ExxonMobil has known since the late 1970s that its fossil fuel products could lead to #GlobalWarming with «dramatic environmental effects before the year 2050.»" "#Exxon's internal documents, as well as peer-reviewed studies published by Exxon and ExxonMobil Corp scientists, overwhelmingly acknowledged that #ClimatChange is real and human-caused. By contrast, the majority of Mobil and ExxonMobilCorp's public communications promoted doubt on the matter." "#ExxonMobil didn't just know “something” about global warming decades ago—they knew as much as academic and government scientists knew. But whereas those scientists worked to communicate what they knew, ExxonMobil worked to deny it—including overemphasizing uncertainties, denigrating climate models, mythologizing global cooling, feigning ignorance about the discernibility of human-caused warming, and staying silent about the possibility of stranded fossil fuel assets in a carbon-constrained world." ❗#EXXONKNEW❗ [Source: Supran, G., Rahmstorf, S. and Oreskes, N. (2023) 'Assessing ExxonMobil's global warming projections', Science, 379(6628). doi:10.1126/science.abk0063] #raymondlee #fossilfuelindustry #fossilfuelindustries #fossilfuels #disinformation #misinformation #fakenews #climatechangedenial #climatedenial #oilindustry #gasindustry #fossilfuellobby #climatescience #climatescientists #climatecrisis #anthropogenicclimatechange #manmade #anthropogenic #thescienceisclear #scientistrebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatefacts #climatejustice #climateprotest #endfossilfuels"
7 likes, 1 comments - scientistrebellion_ger on August 17, 2023: ""In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil com..."
"In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil company @ExxonMobil has known since the late 1970s that its fossil fuel products could lead to #GlobalWarming with «dramatic environmental effects before the year 2050.»"
"#Exxon's internal documents, as well as peer-reviewed studies published by Exxon and ExxonMobil Corp scientists, overwhelmingly acknowledged that #ClimatChange is real and human-caused. By contrast, the majority of Mobil and ExxonMobilCorp's public communications promoted doubt on the matter."
"#ExxonMobil didn't just know “something” about global warming decades ago—they knew as much as academic and government scientists knew. But whereas those scientists worked to communicate what they knew, ExxonMobil worked to deny it—including overemphasizing uncertainties, denigrating climate models, mythologizing global cooling, feigning ignorance about the discernibility of human-caused warming, and staying silent about the possibility of stranded fossil fuel assets in a carbon-constrained world."
[Source: Supran, G., Rahmstorf, S. and Oreskes, N. (2023) 'Assessing ExxonMobil's global warming projections', Science, 379(6628). doi:10.1126/science.abk0063]
#raymondlee #fossilfuelindustry #fossilfuelindustries #fossilfuels #disinformation #misinformation #fakenews #climatechangedenial #climatedenial #oilindustry #gasindustry #fossilfuellobby #climatescience #climatescientists #climatecrisis #anthropogenicclimatechange #manmade #anthropogenic #thescienceisclear #scientistrebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatefacts #climatejustice #climateprotest #endfossilfuels
#GlobalWarming #exxon #climatchange #exxonmobil #exxonknew #raymondlee #FossilFuelIndustry #fossilfuelindustries #fossilfuels #disinformation #misinformation #FakeNews #climatechangedenial #ClimateDenial #OilIndustry #gasindustry #FossilFuelLobby #ClimateScience #climatescientists #ClimateCrisis #anthropogenicclimatechange #manmade #anthropogenic #thescienceisclear #ScientistRebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatefacts #ClimateJustice #ClimateProtest #endfossilfuels
"As early as the 1970s, #Exxon’s scientists predicted that the firm’s #fossilfuel products could lead to #globalwarming with “dramatic #environmental effects before the year #2050.” Yet, as has been well documented, Exxon officials responded by investing company funds in casting doubt on climate change research, even financing think tanks focused on #ClimateDenialism. Had they instead broadcast their scientists’ findings and worked to speed the transition to alternative fuels, the world would be in a far less precarious position today."
#exxon #fossilfuel #globalwarming #environmental #climatedenialism #exxonknew #exxonlied
@CadeJohnson @davidho that’s what @kathhayhoe says. We shouldn’t turn our noses up at any potential assistance to reduce #CO2. It’s probably too late for a pure solution so she says we say yes to everything. The difference #CDR/#CCS as offered by the #fossilfuel industry and David’s position is that it will never be effective enough to offset the huge amount of #ClimatePollution. Effectively more lies from #exxonknew and tribe. We should be putting our money and effort into #ElectrifyEverything and investing in #renewableenergy as it will save a humungous more CO2 now than waiting for new technology or investing in #nuclear to be a saviour in the future.
#co2 #cdr #fossilfuel #climatepollution #exxonknew #ElectrifyEverything #renewableenergy #nuclear
I was rereading an old sci-fi novel by Robert Heinlein and when describing an alien world he said the #CO2 level was like that of the coal age. I took that to mean Heinlein was aware that #fossilfuel burning was going to increase CO2 ppm substantially back in 1956.
#climatechange #exxonknew
#co2 #fossilfuel #climatechange #exxonknew
@AlexSanterne btw I have discovered that there are lot of hashtags that are being suppressed on the bird site. #Exxonknew is one of them. The others relate to Shell and also Ecocide. By suppressed, I mean that when you go to post and write the hashtag, none of these hashtags appear in the drop down menu of options to pick. Something dodgy going on with the algorithms there I swear.
This makes me very angry. Especially after I found out that Kooin used to work for #BP as their "Chief Scientist"!
Hot weather does not mean climate change
Published 7/25/2023
"[W]hat if we were not in a #ClimateCrisis after all, and trillions of dollars in planned tax credits and #GreenEnergy expenditures are a misuse of taxpayer resources?
"New York University professor #StevenKoonin has presented data in his bestselling book, 'Unsettled,' to show that the science is not as settled as many politicians [???] would have us believe.
"Koonin is a respected academic physicist. He was former undersecretary for science at the U.S. Department of Energy under President Barack Obama when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. His portfolio included the climate research program and energy technology. He has a bachelor of science in physics from Caltech and a doctorate in theoretical physics from MIT. Koonin taught for 30 years at Caltech and has published 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers."
#BPKnew #ExxonKnew #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #BigOilKnew #USGovernmentKnew
#bp #ClimateCrisis #greenenergy #stevenkoonin #bpknew #exxonknew #ClimateChange #climatecatastrophe #BigOilKnew #usgovernmentknew
Current mood: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
#BigOilKnew #ExxonKnew
#BigOilAndGas can afford to fix the problem they created!
Largest oil and gas producers made close to $100bn in first quarter of 2022
Shell made $9.1bn in profit, almost three times what it made in the same period last year, while Exxon raked in $8.8bn
Oliver Milman, Fri 13 May 2022
"#Shell made $9.1bn in profit from January to March, almost three times what it made in the same period last year, while #Exxon raked in $8.8bn, also a near threefold increase on 2021.
"#Chevron upped its profits to $6.5bn and #BP reveled in its highest first-quarter profits in a decade, making $6.2bn. #CoterraEnergy, a Texas-based firm, had the largest relative windfall of the 28 companies, with a 449% increase in profits on last year, to $818m."
Read more:
#ExxonKnew #BigOilKnew #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe
#bigoilandgas #shell #exxon #chevron #bp #coterraenergy #exxonknew #BigOilKnew #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climatecatastrophe
TPTB love to tell us to eat vegan or drive less or stop using incandescent light bulbs, when the BIG PROBLEM is being caused by #BigOil and #BigGas!
#Methane is a more potent polluter than #CO2 - here’s how energy firms can help contain it
Oct 26, 2021
"Methane is a #GreenhouseGas that’s 80 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. It is estimated to account for 30% of the rise in global temperatures."
#BigOilAndGas #ExxonKnew #BigOilKnew #PlugItUp #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateChange
#bigoil #biggas #methane #co2 #greenhousegas #bigoilandgas #exxonknew #BigOilKnew #plugitup #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe #ClimateChange
This song has been bringing tears to my eyes. It WAS a wonderful world -- but we f*cked it up!
"I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying
I love you
I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They'll learn much more
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Ooh, yes"
- #LouisArmstrong, 1967
#WeHadItAll #MotherEarth #LifeOnEarth
#WeKNowWhoToBlame #ExxonKnew
#LouisArmstrong #wehaditall #motherearth #lifeonearth #weknowwhotoblame #exxonknew
Hmmmm.... So #MethaneLeaks are a substantial source of #ClimateChange. Well then, #BigOilAndGas needs to take care of that ASAP! And so do any countries without those industries and beholden to #Fascist f*ckers and their #Oligarch buddies!
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ExxonKnew #WeKNowWhoToBlame #GeneralStrike #EatTheRich #UtahPhillips
#MethaneLeaks #ClimateChange #bigoilandgas #Fascist #oligarch #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe #exxonknew #weknowwhotoblame #generalstrike #EatTheRich #UtahPhillips
How secretive #methane leaks are driving #ClimateChange
19 Jul 2022
"There is an open secret in the oil and gas industry and it is feeding the climate crisis.
"Massive methane leaks, known as super-emitter events, have been taking place at oil and gas fields all over the world, from the #UnitedStates to #Turkmenistan. The releases, most of which can be traced to equipment failures, can last for weeks. One outside of a storage facility in #LosAngeles in 2015 hemorrhaged almost 100,000 tonnes of methane — a potent #GreenhouseGas — into the atmosphere over the course of four months.
"In June, researchers at Spain’s Polytechnic University of Valencia, said they uncovered the latest known super-emitter event at an #OilAndGas platform in the #GulfOfMexico . The installation discharged 40,000 tonnes of methane during a 17-day spell in December 2021 — equivalent to 3 per cent of #Mexico’s annual oil and gas emissions. Researchers said the release may never have been known to the public if not for the fact that it was captured by a #EuropeanSpaceAgency satellite.
"While the discharge was caught, it remains challenging to trace emissions of methane, which is colourless, odourless and responsible for more than 25% of the global warming the Earth is experiencing today. Due to its structure, methane traps more #heat in the atmosphere per molecule than carbon dioxide (CO2) making it 80 times more harmful than #CO2 during the 20 years after it is released into the atmosphere.
"As countries develop plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and avoid the worst effects of climate change, experts say it's vital to have a better handle on how much methane is being released into the atmosphere, including from super-emitter events. Cutting human-caused methane by 45 per cent this decade would keep warming beneath a threshold outlined by the #ParisAgreement.
"The big challenge is knowing exactly how much [methane] is being emitted, where it is being emitted and for how long it has been emitted."
Read more:
#ExxonKnew #MethaneLeaks #OilAndGasIndustry #OilAndGas #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ExxonKnew #USGovernmentKnew
#methane #ClimateChange #unitedstates #turkmenistan #losangeles #greenhousegas #oilandgas #gulfofmexico #mexico #EuropeanSpaceAgency #heat #co2 #parisagreement #exxonknew #MethaneLeaks #OilAndGasIndustry #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe #usgovernmentknew
You know, every time so pro-#nuclear or #corporate shill starts calling me a "fear-monger" (which they love to do) my reply is going to be #ExxonKnew.
#nuclear #corporate #exxonknew
After finding out about how #ExxonKnew and hid information, do we really trust big #corporations and government agencies beholden to them to look out for #MotherEarth? I think not!
Residents worry ahead of #Fukushima water release [video]
AP, July 24, 2023
The #FukushimaDaiichi #nuclear power plant is expected to start releasing treated #radioactive #wastewater into the #sea within weeks. It's unclear whether, or how, damaging that would be, but residents say they feel helpless. (July 24) (AP video/Ayaka McGill)
#exxonknew #corporations #motherearth #fukushima #FukushimaDaiIchi #nuclear #radioactive #WasteWater #sea #FukushimaWater #waterislife #nodumping #tepcolies #japan
@jhaue I was thinking that #FossilFuel companies were trying to transition to a low carbon basis by investing in #renewables. What we have seen is the opposite and not even #greenwashing. I suspect that they think that if they need to they can move later. What needs to happen now is to ignore them and concentrate on building the transition based on new technology companies. Government leadership is needed to ensure that the transition goes ahead smoothly and just mandate no more vehicles, premises and industries are to set up using fossil fuels. Then implement incentives and/or mandates to convert existing stuff. Focus on those who will work towards the future rather than try and pull the knuckle draggers.
#climatechange #climatecrisis #exxonknew
#fossilfuel #renewables #greenwashing #climatechange #climatecrisis #exxonknew
I finally got around to watching #DontLookUp. If you haven't seen it yet, you really should. So relevant to what I've been posting about today.
#ExxonKnew #USGovernmentKnew #Extinction #ClimateCatastrophe
#Dontlookup #exxonknew #usgovernmentknew #extinction #climatecatastrophe
Statement of Senator #MaxBaucus
Environment and Public Works Committee
July 10, 1997
"Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am pleased that you have scheduled this series of hearings on global #ClimateChange. It is a serious issue. One that generated a considerable concern a few years ago.
"That concern culminated in the #RioConference in 1992 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
"Since then, however, there has been some skepticism and confusion about whether manmade climate change really exists. And if it does, whether the consequences are trivial or serious. [Skepticism and confusion sowed by #BigOil!]
"As a result, I think the public has become less certain that the threat is real and that we are on the right course to counter it.
"So as the U.S. and other countries prepare to head to #Kyoto, Japan, later this year to decide what the next steps should be, it is appropriate for us to review the entire issue.
"We should examine the scientific basis for our climate change program. Explore the consequences of action, or inaction. And review the steps we might take to combat this threat.
"Today's hearing will focus on the scientific issues surrounding climate change. A lot of research has taken place since the Senate ratified the Framework Convention in 1992. Additional data has been collected. And new tools and techniques have been developed to analyze it.
"Much of the new information appears to further substantiate the seriousness of the threat we face. So I look forward to reviewing this work with our distinguished witnesses.
"Thank you Mr. Chairman."
#ExxonKnew #BigOilKnew #ClimateChangeDenial #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateCrisis
#maxbaucus #ClimateChange #rioconference #bigoil #kyoto #exxonknew #BigOilKnew #climatechangedenial #climatecatastrophe #ClimateCrisis
The Power of #BigOil (Part Three: Delay)
"FRONTLINE’s three-part series The Power of Big Oil examines the fossil fuel industry’s history of denying #ClimateChange by delaying action and casting doubt on scientific research. As leading climate scientists issue new warnings, this third part of the series examines tactics used by the fossil fuel industry to delay the transition to renewable energy sources — including the promotion of #NaturalGas as a cleaner alternative."
May 3, 2022
Video and transcript:
#bigoil #ClimateChange #NaturalGas #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe #exxonknew #BigOilKnew