From Bill McKibben
Exxon Greenwashing
They are not going to be an algae company after all
They invested some millions in algae research—and invested huge sums of money in boasting about it. For much of this period, a viewer encountering the company for the first time would have concluded that Exxon was an algae company who happened to have a few oil wells on the side. The company spent at least $50 million on tv time bragging about algae.
#Exxon verklagt die EU, um die Sondersteuer auf die Gewinne von Öl- und Gasunternehmen zu verhindern 🤢 #GerechterWelthandel #EndFossil #Klimakatastrophe #Klimaschutz #ExxonKnew #ExxonKnows
#exxon #gerechterwelthandel #endfossil #klimakatastrophe #klimaschutz #exxonknew #exxonknows
#Exxonknows: Why the oil giant is really taking Europe to court
#Exxonknows: "Why the oil giant is really taking Europe to court
Exxon’s lawsuit against the EU is a blatant attempt to intimidate European citizens as they suffer the biggest energy crisis in half a century. Even by Exxon’s standards this is scandalous."
From Transport & Environment