@madomado Um, I don't trust #TEPCO or the government of #Japan. TEPCO has LIED for years about radiation levels. What makes you think they've changed their ways? #TEPCOLies #ExxonLied #Corporatocracy
#tepco #japan #tepcolies #exxonlied #corporatocracy
@GMIK69 Newsflash -- #TEPCOLies, just like #ExxonLied. We need independent measurements from a number of locations -- not just what TEPCO is picking and choosing.
"As early as the 1970s, #Exxon’s scientists predicted that the firm’s #fossilfuel products could lead to #globalwarming with “dramatic #environmental effects before the year #2050.” Yet, as has been well documented, Exxon officials responded by investing company funds in casting doubt on climate change research, even financing think tanks focused on #ClimateDenialism. Had they instead broadcast their scientists’ findings and worked to speed the transition to alternative fuels, the world would be in a far less precarious position today."
#exxon #fossilfuel #globalwarming #environmental #climatedenialism #exxonknew #exxonlied