Флешбек на Твитер 2007/2008 кад је био у повоју и #exYu екипа тек пристизала на ту мрежу. #srbija #sumadija #kragujevac #tvitermigracija
#tvitermigracija #kragujevac #sumadija #srbija #exyu
@escapetofreedom Inercija je dosta velika, teško je ljude nagovoriti da se maknu iz poznate okoline - em je dosta ljudi došlo relativno kasno na tviter pa im se sad ne da još jednom prolaziti kroz učenje, em je ovdje atmosfera nepoznata, naizgled neprijateljska, jer "nema nikog", tko će sad opet tražiti ljude.
Ali, vjerujem da svaki post na "našem" pomaže!
#tvitermigracija #exYu
I tend to estimate that I am over 50% done with solder joints on this board #Galaksija #retro #exyu #pcb #VojaAntonic
#VojaAntonic #pcb #exyu #retro #galaksija
Exchange between accused, Slobodan Praljak, and witness, Professor Farhudin Rizvanbegović, who had been detained at Dretelj camp and Ljubuški prison in 1993.
Accused: Professor, just give me a yes or no. Did you hear of him?
Witness: Please don't act that way.
Acc: You are taking away from my time. Did you hear of him?
Wit: You took away half of my life, man.
Prlić et al, at ICTY, 23 May 2006, testimony, p. 2319.
#bih #trial #exyu #testimony #icty #law
Ima li koga? #bosnaihercegovina #bosniaherzegovina #hrvatska #croatia #srbija #serbia #crnagora #montenegro #sjevernamakedonija #northmacedonia #slovenija #slowenia #jugoslavija #yugoslavia #exyu
#exyu #yugoslavia #Jugoslavija #slowenia #slovenija #northmacedonia #sjevernamakedonija #montenegro #Crnagora #serbia #srbija #croatia #hrvatska #bosniaherzegovina #BosnaiHercegovina
Iavor Rangelov & Ruti Teitel
The justice archive: transitional justice and digital memory
London Review of International Law
Looking at the implication of different trajectories of TJ archives in ExYu and Latin America in an era of difitisation and memory activism
#TransitionalJustice #Archive #Criminology #Atrocity #HumanRights #Law #ExYu
#exyu #law #humanrights #atrocity #criminology #archive #TransitionalJustice
Workshop on democratic backsliding and penal policy
My colleague Milena Tripković has gathered scholars covering penality in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia for what looks like an excellent hybrid workshop in Edinburgh and online.
Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/democratic-backsliding-and-penal-policy-in-europe-tickets-591301979137?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
#PenalPolicy #Penality #Populism #Criminology #PublicPolicy #PolSci #Europe #CentralEurope #EasternEurope #ExYu #Democracy
#democracy #exyu #easterneurope #centraleurope #europe #polsci #publicpolicy #criminology #populism #penality #penalpolicy
New #Criminology paper:
Teaching Atrocity Criminology with ICTY Archives: Disciplinarity, Research, Ethics
Covers interdisciplinarity, the research/teaching nexus and ethics in teaching criminology and atrocity using public court archives
#SOTL #Pedagogy #ICTY #Archive #ExYu #Law #Sociology #History #PolSci
#polsci #history #sociology #law #exyu #archive #icty #pedagogy #sotl #criminology
Hadi Yaramazlar. It is April, otherwise known as Duško Jaramaz month. Cry those bitter tears😭
#yaramazlik #music #exyu #yugosphere
newest illustration i minted on versum. but i don't sell it for now
#illustration #spomenik #exyu #lineart #monument
This afternoon, 1600hrs CET, Dr Iva Vukušić of Utrecht University will be discussing her recent book on Serbian paramilitaries and the break-up of Yugoslavia.
She'll be in discussion with Lea David and Hikmet Karčić, so this promises to be an insightful session.
#history #histodon #ExYu #Yugoslavia #War #Atrocity #Paramilitary
#paramilitary #atrocity #war #yugoslavia #exyu #histodon #history
So came out thet #spotify summary for 2022 and my top artist is #Chopin. There is some glitch in the system I think so. 😄
I'm listened to it but not so many times.
At least other artist like the #exyu #Konstrakta are also on the top list what was my true favorite after the #eurovison where she performed the song #InCorporeSano :blobcatblep:
#InCorporeSano #eurovison #Konstrakta #exyu #chopin #spotify
I read the book in about 5 hours.
It made me laugh and cry, as I felt with him ... I was a kid during #Bosnia war and cought with my parents in a part of the country I was, based on my name (religious idiots), not suppose to be. Although I was born and raised in that city.
Amazon - BLANK: ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPERBACK: Stukan, Fedja: 9789926484064: Books
Ko je ovdje iz #ExYu?
Who is here from ExYu?
Wer ist hier aus ExYu?
#bosniaandherzegovina #serbia #croatia #macedonia #slovenia #montenegro
#boostswelcome #followerpower #montenegro #slovenia #macedonia #croatia #serbia #bosniaandherzegovina #exyu
Watched #CracowMonsters on #Netflix and found out that one of the most famous mountains in #ExYu #Triglav is named by a #SlavicGod. Had no idea of it and I was born and raised in #ExYu (#BiH namely).
Interessting, that I knew of #Thor from #ScandinavianMythology and #Zeus from #GreekMythology but have 0% knowledge nothing from #SlavicMythology.
#slavicmythology #greekmythology #zeus #ScandinavianMythology #thor #bih #SlavicGod #Triglav #exyu #netflix #CracowMonsters