#PwC #KPMG #Deloitte #EY
The Klaxon News
🚨Entire 47-person Fed Gov't tax “Advisory Panel" — which provided “real time policy advice to the Treasurer" — axed after 21 yrs amid PwC scandal. Was stacked with Big Four....including four *current* PwC Australia Tax Partners.
Anthony Klan
#pwc #KPMG #deloitte #ey #auspol
#PwC #KPMG #Deloitte #EY
Adele Ferguson
Excited to be delivering my first story for ABC. Please tune in on Monday at 7.30.
Next week on #abc730, @adele_ferguson
presents a special investigation into the Big Four consulting firms. Tune in on ABC TV and ABC iview.
#pwc #KPMG #deloitte #ey #auspol #abc730
#PwC #KPMG #Deloitte #EY
Adele Ferguson
Excited to be delivering my first story for ABC. Please tune in on Monday at 7.30.
Next week on #abc730, @adele_ferguson
presents a special investigation into the Big Four consulting firms. Tune in on ABC TV and ABC iview.
#pwc #KPMG #deloitte #ey #auspol #abc730
#Whatthefanta I know that the #LNP were in power for the most part ( they love outsourcing- just ask #PwC #KPMG #EY & #Deloitte but what is the problem with #Labor state governments?
Australia’s school system is one of most privatised in the world. 30% of primary and 40% of secondary students attend non-public schools. OECD average is 18%.
Get cracking Jason Clare. The clock is ticking
#whatthefanta #lnp #pwc #KPMG #ey #deloitte #labor
Tech-Konzerne aus den USA sind die wertvollsten Unternehmen
Die wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt nach Börsenwert kommen weiterhin aus den Vereinigten Staaten - mit Apple an der Spitze. Wie eine Auswertung ergeben hat, sind zwei deutsche Konzerne unter den Top 100.
#USA #Börsenwert #TechBranche #EY #Apple #Microsoft #SaudiAramco
#usa #borsenwert #techbranche #ey #apple #microsoft #saudiaramco
CL0P continua. PwC, EY e Sony, dopo il colosso Shell, colpite con la vulnerabilità di MOVEit
Due delle Big Four delle società di contabilità, #PwC ed #EY, hanno iniziato a indagare sulle violazioni dei #dati relative alle attività del gruppo di hacker #Cl0P, riferisce #Bloomberg.
Gli hacker hanno chiesto un #riscatto alle aziende per non pubblicare i propri #dati interni. Il gruppo ha sfruttato una #vulnerabilità nel #software di trasferimento file MOVEit Transfer di Progress Software che è stata scoperta nel maggio 2021.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity #online
#pwc #ey #dati #Cl0p #bloomberg #riscatto #vulnerabilità #software #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity #online
RT from Telegraph Business (@telebusiness)
It comes after EY scrapped its historic break-up plan, codenamed Project Everest, in April after months of internal disagreement and opposition from US bosses.
#EY #Big4
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/telebusiness/status/1668651962416463876
Revealed: Labour taking free staff from scandal-hit consulting firms.
The party has welcomed PricewaterhouseCoopers back to the fold even though Rachel Reeves called for it to be broken up.
#PriceWaterHouseCoopers #EY #KeirStarmer #Labour #UK #UKPol #UKPolitics
#pricewaterhousecoopers #ey #keirstarmer #labour #uk #ukpol #ukpolitics
The future lifetime cost of corporate welfare (especially the big four accounting firms) is conservatively estimated to be a gazillion dollars.
It dwarfs your regular dole bludgers budget.
#Auspol #EY #KPMG #PwC #Deloitte
#auspol #ey #kpmg #pwc #deloitte
#EY, waren das nicht diejenigen, die bei #Wirecard ihre Expertise bewiesen haben?
Kann man sich auch nicht ausdenken.
Please enjoy the final #crypto winter: https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2023/04/26/us-crypto-regulations-end-crypto-winter-opinion/?utm_source=artifact // Guter Artikel von Paul Brody, #Blockchain Experte von #EY
When EY proposed a plan for a divide
It seemed like a mission to stay by its side
But as restrictions grew strong
They knew something was wrong
So they called off the plan, and that's where they reside
#ey #audit #consulting #regulation #poetry
#ey #audit #consulting #regulation #poetry
Weds 4/12 - #EY Staying Together, Cooley Screwing First Years, RFC for AI, More Trouble for Fox News in the Dominion Case
The failed split of Ernst & Young, #Cooley screwing incoming associates, an RFC on how to create a regulatory system for #AI, and #FoxNews in hot water with the judge in the #Dominion case.
#ey #cooley #ai #foxnews #dominion #lawfedi #podcast
So Everest can't be achieved.
#EY scraps break-up plan after months of internal dissent - https://on.ft.com/3A8xzHT via @FT
meanwhile at #EY ...
#ey #germany #banned #consulting #accounting
A not very deep analysis of privacy issued raise by digital energy tech.
"For certain people... it could feel really intrusive to have people know when you're turning on your heater, or the classic is, what's in your fridge, do you really want people knowing how much chocolate you've got in there? You really want to balance the right to privacy, with the benefits of this optimisation of your energy usage."
#AngelaOgier, #EY
#angelaogier #ey #podcasts #netzero #smartenergy #smarthome
I want to do a series titled something like "Coming Attractions for the Next Financial Crisis.” Among the entries would be "bondzi schemes" (my term) where corporate bonds are used to finance stock buybacks.
Right up there would be the wholesale lack of auditor independence in financial institutions. Absolutely bananas when you unwrap it.
#lawfedi #kpmg #pwc #deloitte #ey