@hypatiascat so I can understand exactly what you are working on my dear 😍 #cognitivescience #eyemovement #scientificresearch
#scientificresearch #eyemovement #cognitivescience
I've learned from my friend that the first post needs to introduce myself. But I'll promote our recent article on #readingresearch, which I'm so excited about. We have published an #eyemovement dataset of Turkish reading: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-023-02120-6. I hope it contributes to reading research and helps Turkish to be represented more.
This week, we had another very interesting #Labtalk in our #OpenLab. Our speaker was Dr. Christian Wolf who taught us a lot about the voluntary & involuntary contributions to #saccadic eye movements. Thanks for your clear and fascinating talk, @ChrLoup!
#saccades #eyemovement
#labtalk #openlab #saccadic #saccades #eyemovement
Nice to start the year with a publication from a collaboration with Nai Yang and others: Comparison of font size and background color strategies for tag weights on tag maps https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15230406.2022.2152098 #cartography #visualization #maps #mapreading #userstudy #eyemovement #tagcloud #geography
#geography #Tagcloud #eyemovement #userstudy #mapreading #Maps #visualization #Cartography