Actress #GayleHunnicutt has died at 80. Hunnicutt may be best known for her role as Vanessa Beaumont on the final three seasons of #Dallas but she had a 30 year career starting with a small role on the series #MisterRoberts. Other TV credits include #TheBeverlyHillbillies, #GetSmart, #LoveAmericanStyle, #TheMartianChronicles, #TheLoveBoat, #Taxi, #FantasyIsland, and #TalesFromTheCrypt. Movies include #TheWildAngels, #EyeOfTheCat, #Marlowe, #TheLegendOfHellHouse, and #TheSpiralStaircase. #RIP
#gaylehunnicutt #dallas #misterroberts #thebeverlyhillbillies #getsmart #loveamericanstyle #themartianchronicles #theloveboat #taxi #fantasyisland #talesfromthecrypt #thewildangels #eyeofthecat #marlowe #thelegendofhellhouse #thespiralstaircase #rip
Remembering (Jacques) #MichaelSarrazin (1940-2011), the talented Canadian actor, born in Quebec #OnThisDay. His screen career spanned six decades, memorably as beautiful but disturbed, ill-fated characters in a trio of genre films: opposite Gayle Hunnicutt in #EyeOfTheCat (1969), as the physically declining Creature in Jack Smight's #FrankensteinTheTrueStory (1973) and the eponymous, haunted college professor in #TheReincarnationOfPeterProud (1975).
#michaelsarrazin #OnThisDay #eyeofthecat #frankensteinthetruestory #thereincarnationofpeterproud #horrormovies #bornonthisday #botd #otd