I was just reading a review of a Celestron telescope. The reviewer recommended Tele vue eyepieces.
I have never used a Tele vue eyepiece where it is easy to find the exit pupil. The images always dance around and I'm never satisfied I've found the sweet spot. They get rave reviews, but I've used telescopes for 59 years and to me, they are highly over rated, heavy and clunky. In particular the Naglers.
Quick check of #eyepieces and make sure my various #filters are ready.
I doubt I'll be using the #UHC and #OIII tonight but the colour filters for planetary and the polarised filter for the moon will definitely be in use.
Colour filters are a great bit of kit for planetary, helping to tease out extra detail, or improving contrast of features you can see.
#eyepieces #filters #uhc #OIII #Astrodon