When will the MAGA half of the US population see that The Handmaids Tale was a warning, not a manual? Probably not until they meet the local aunt Lydia. Then it will be too late.
#eyesongilead #gilead #thehandmaidstale
@stoyle @tanketom @thomasrost har ikke spilt noen av spillene, og har bare hørt første episoden av poden (ligger litt etter med serien), men vet at Handmaid's tale ble utrolig mye bedre for meg sammen med #eyesongilead.
Caught up with The Handmaids tale just before the season finale next week. What a remarkable show! One more season, and then it is over. Or maybe not #thetestaments #eyesongilead #handmaidstale
#handmaidstale #eyesongilead #thetestaments