RT @thrombosisday@twitter.com
These are great tips on how to reduce your blood clot risk while traveling for the holidays. Thanks to our partners at @StopTheClot@twitter.com for this great resource! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t614R7Wzy2c
#WTDay22 #EyesOpenToThrombosis #WorldThrombosisDay #DVT #PE #VTE #CVST #Holidays #HolidayTravel
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thrombosisday/status/1593326780919812096
#wtday22 #eyesopentothrombosis #worldthrombosisday #dvt #pe #vte #cvst #holidays #holidaytravel
RT @thrombosisday
These are great tips on how to reduce your blood clot risk while traveling for the holidays. Thanks to our partners at @StopTheClot for this great resource! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t614R7Wzy2c
#WTDay22 #EyesOpenToThrombosis #WorldThrombosisDay #DVT #PE #VTE #CVST #Holidays #HolidayTravel
#wtday22 #eyesopentothrombosis #worldthrombosisday #dvt #pe #vte #cvst #holidays #holidaytravel