If you are in #Brussels on the 8th and 9th of december, join the #conference 'A #JustTransition Beyond Growth' that the #ETUI, the #ULB and the #EEB are co-organising. Registration is free and you could hardly get a better set of panelists. https://bit.ly/3i9nHI2
I'll chair a panel on #ProductivityGrowth, #work and #wages with Elise Dumon (#ULB), Jeremy Green (#Cambridge), Katharina Wiese (#EEB), Jan Mayrhofer (#EYF), and Ruairi Fitzgerald (#ETUC).
Please spread the word with a little #boost!
#brussels #conference #justtransition #etui #ulb #eeb #productivitygrowth #work #wages #cambridge #eyf #etuc #boost