Tip: Turning "snap" on in #ardour greatly decreases time spent on timing issues when using a #midi #drum plugin like #ezdrummer. Sometimes you want to deviate for effect, but mostly this does what you want. Can't believe I missed this feature and did all that by hand for the first album.
#ezdrummer #drum #midi #ardour
Contrary to what I had planned, I've decided to continue using #Ardour in Windows for the next Opaque Mass album.
Even though #Wine and #Yabridge have allowed me to get #EZDrummer up and running in the low-latency #UbuntuStudio, getting all the guitar amp and effect plugins right introduces another barrier that is keeping me from producing music. I'll keep trying in parallel, but I really want to focus on making music again.
#ubuntustudio #ezdrummer #yabridge #wine #ardour
Contrary to whay I had planned, I've decided to continue using #Ardour in Windows for the next Opaque Mass album. Even though #Wine and #Yabridge have allowed me to get #EZDrummer up and running in the low-latency #UbuntuStudio, getting all the guitar amp and effect plugins right introduces another barrier that is keeping me from producing music. I'll keep trying in parallel, but I really want to focus on making music again.
#ubuntustudio #ezdrummer #yabridge #wine #ardour
Ok. So. Forget about #Carla & #Jack. I've now got #Ardour running on #Ubuntu Studio 22.04 using only #yabridge, and it's been a breeze to get everything working, including MIDI for #EZDrummer 2 #VST using #wine64.
#wine64 #vst #ezdrummer #yabridge #ubuntu #ardour #jack #carla
Got Jack & Ardour working together on my new laptop running Ubuntu Studio tonight. Got Ardour, Carla and EZDrummer working together last night. Hopefully next night I can throw that all together, figure out how to drag drum patterns from EZDrummer into Ardour (wasn't working before), and then finally pump out a new Opaque Mass song this month.
#ardour #ubuntustudio #jack #carla #ezdrummer #daw #metal #opaquemass
#opaquemass #metal #daw #ezdrummer #carla #jack #ubuntustudio #ardour
It took some effort, but I now have #EZDrummer 2 running as a 64-bit application on #UbuntuStudio 22.
I've switched to #UbuntuStudio, which is an #ubuntu version preconfigured for audio and video engineering.
This weekend is going to be an endeavour to see whether it supports all the #vst plugins I use for my music, notably #toontrack #ezdrummer and #ezmix.
If I succeed, I'll try and release an #opaquemass demo song on #bandcamp this month at https://opaquemass.bandcamp.com/ . Keep an eye out for it!
#bandcamp #opaquemass #ezmix #ezdrummer #toontrack #vst #ubuntu #ubuntustudio
Who has positive experience using Ubuntu Studio with Ardour and Carla for VST plugins, especially EZDrummer? #ardour #ubuntu #ubuntustudio #audioengineering #daw #carla #vst #toontrack #ezdrummer
#ezdrummer #toontrack #vst #carla #daw #audioengineering #ubuntustudio #ubuntu #ardour