Why would someone like alt-right pretend journalist, #EzraLevant, want to obstruct an important police investigation?
Does his #Rebel entertainment organization condone ignoring police and breaking laws?
One issue the poor little guy has is that he thinks he's a journalist. GUFFAW!
#ezralevant #rebel #alberta #canada #cdnpoli #ableg #abpoli
#SheilaLewis has died because of the #JCCF and their sleazy, grifting lawyers.
What a sad story of alt-right ignorance and disgusting abuse of a terminally ill woman.
#Rebel #Alberta #ableg #abpoli #AHS #EzraLevant #EzraHasBloodOnHisTinyHands
#sheilalewis #jccf #rebel #alberta #ableg #abpoli #ahs #ezralevant #ezrahasbloodonhistinyhands
I'd give 50/50 odds that #RebelNews #EzraLevant knows perfectly well that the judge in #andywaffen's show trial struck down the RICO shit weeks ago, but Ezra also knows that his audience has termite brains, so he can tell them anything he likes
#rebelnews #ezralevant #andywaffen
apparently right wing media mogul #EzraLevant is coming to #PDX for the #andywaffen show-trial so be on the lookout for a guy that looks like this (you have to take a lot of DMT in order to be able to see him)
@RebelNewsOnline Isn't the menzoids a venerial disease?
#Alberta #ableg #abpoli #onpoli #cdnpoli #RacistRag #EzraLevant
#alberta #ableg #abpoli #onpoli #cdnpoli #racistrag #ezralevant
@RebelNewsOnline How can one assault a veneraial deisease.
Meanwhile, lil #EzraLevant will be begging for mortgage money again after Dominion gets through with him.
#TheRebel: we beg incessantly for your money.
#ezralevant #therebel #aberta #ableg #abpoli #onpoli #cdnpoli #racistrag
@RebelNewsOnline Turns out failed lawyer, #EzraLevant, may have acted with actual mailice towards the Dominion company.
Will lil Ezra be begging for more mortgage money, again?
#ezralevant #sheilagunnreid #alberta #abpoli #ablkeg #onpoli #cdnpoli
@RebelNewsOnline @ezralevant #Breitbart wannabe #EzraLevant, who publishes racist screeds in #TheRebel now promotes violence in America because his idol was caught committing crimes.
I wonder how much they will be on the hook for in the Dominion case? Not looking good for them, will lil Ezra be begging for mortgage money, again?
#SheilaGuntReid #EzraLevant
#Alberta #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #onpoli
#breitbart #ezralevant #therebel #sheilaguntreid #alberta #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #onpoli
@RebelNewsOnline Yet the Rebel entertainment rag publishes hit pieces on private citizens in the hopes of riling up their known violent audience.
#EzraLevant #EzraLevantViolentRacist #SheilaGuntReid #TheRebel
#ableg #abpoli #canpoli
#ezralevant #ezralevantviolentracist #sheilaguntreid #therebel #ableg #abpoli #canpoli
@RebelNewsOnline @Project_Veritas
The #Rebel publishes hit piece on school board member in hopes of riling up their violent funders.
#rebel #canpoli #ezralevant #sheilaguntreid
A full hour exploring Canadian malign influence operations online.
- Bots, trolls, troll farms, socks
- Money behind the movement
- Canada's main players
Guest's Twitter: @HeatherMoAndCo
#bexte, #blacklocks, #bots, #ezralevant, #lawton, #misinformation, #nationaltelegraph, #polievre, #postmedia, #postmillenial, #propoganda, #rebelmedia, #rightwing, #sheiladunn, #socialmedia, #sunmedia, #trolls, #truenorth, #westernstandard, #whitenationalism
#bexte #blacklocks #bots #ezralevant #lawton #misinformation #nationaltelegraph #polievre #postmedia #postmillenial #propoganda #rebelmedia #rightwing #sheiladunn #socialmedia #sunmedia #trolls #truenorth #westernstandard #whitenationalism
Canada’s ‘Man of action’ (in the Leninist sense) Trudeau is trying to shut down Rebel Media
Link to Rebel page on this matter.
#Censorship #Communism #ezralevant #RebelMedia
#RebelMedia #ezralevant #Communism #Censorship
RebelNews #RebelNewsUSA #EzraLevant
'Super gross': Grandmother banned from local pool after asking man to leave women's changeroom
Tucker Carlson opener for April 12, 2022: Trudeau’s communism now extends to licensing journalists
Anyone who remembers Canada before it was communist should probably write down all those memoirs on paper and bur
#Communism #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #ezralevant #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #TuckerCarlson #Vectorsofcommunistattack
#Vectorsofcommunistattack #TuckerCarlson #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ezralevant #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #Communism
(Currently live) Ezra on Trudeau, the EMA recall, and the various players in the media and government
#ezralevant #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ezralevant
Apart from #TedCruz, other supporters of #racist scumbag #TommyRobinson in the #UnitedStates include #SebGorka (no surprise there, he's a nazi), #PaulGosar, a think tank called #MiddleEastForum and Canadian #EzraLevant.
This jingoist racist was supposed to become a speaker in evangelical churches - do you want some hatred to go with your holy mass, sir?
Get lost, all of you.
#tedcruz #racist #tommyrobinson #unitedstates #sebgorka #paulgosar #middleeastforum #ezralevant