#f0rthsp4ce @klntsky говорил что придет на федимит только ради того чтоб сказать что федиверс фигня нежизнеспособная, и ведь реально пришел! Сказал свои аргументы и ушел )))
Спасибо #f0rthsp4ce и всем резидентам хакерспейса за теплый прием! Было весело!
Очень был рад увидеть там @inex (внезапно)
А @dettlaff всё таки распечатал мой стикер с V1 :)
You like hackerspaces, don't you?
You dirty #hackerspace kisser
By me at #f0rthsp4ce
@n0icz @kif @dettlaff @FelonOnBass @NaiJi @inexcode @zizzer @Stigbeast @drq
yall gonna do a little #fedimeet at #f0rthsp4ce? cause that would be awesome
please welcome @zizzer, @Stigbeast and @kif to the fediverse! I gave them all a little tour (for like 3 hours lol) of the fediverse at #f0rthsp4ce in #tbilisi
went to a talk about shaders and GLSL at #f0rthsp4ce tonight in #tbilisi and ran into some people afterwards who had tried out the fediverse for a while last year but got annoyed with it cause they couldn't figure out how to find content that was interesting to them, when I told them I would give them a little tour sometime they all seemed excited by the idea