I'm skipping #WC2023 & while still don't know about #FA2023, if I were to go, is to improve ranking (landed in the Top 15 Tekken 7 in 2022) & while no longer a member/content creator, I will be wearing my EasternMediaGG esport jersey!
Forever grateful for the chances in 2022.
RT @FirstAttackPR@twitter.com
#FA2023 will be celebrated on Oct. 27-29th and we can't wait to have you all back with us in our beautiful island.
If you attended #FA2022, please fill out this form on how we can keep improving.
We hope to continue making memorable experiences for all.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FirstAttackPR/status/1583566869742878720
Pretty much motivated for #WinterClash2023 & #FA2023 as this weekend was really fun and would have love to managed my time better for not having to come only at my Tekken tournament which landing 15th is a first big step & I feel MUCH BETTER from early 2022.
2023's goal noted!
I am going for Tekken 7 this year but clearly, I think it is time to FINALLY dive into this game later this year and maybe for #FA2023 having this as my second category (if Tekken 7 still applies by then).
I'm going to vouch @RichyPDesu@twitter.com as my coach!