I have just read the graphic novel, How to Talk to Girls at Parties, by #NeilGaiman. It's another of his stories in which you fill in the gaps in the narrative. Ostensibly it is a tale of shy adolescent Enn, whose super confident friend Vic always gets the girls. But there is a subplot. Who are these girls at the party? The art work by Brazilian twin brothers #FábioMoon and #GabrielBá is very good. Next the film, which I have a copy of. I wonder how it will compare?
#howtotalktogirlsatparties #gabrielba #fabiomoon #neilgaiman
DropSea: Come parlare alle ragazze alle feste https://goo.gl/fb/NYhbWn #baopublishing #fabiomoon #fantascienza
#fabiomoon #fantascienza #baopublishing