I can't believe that's all they are doing, just asking for him to resign? He should be led out from the House floor doing a perp walk in cuffs. The man is a criminal!
Nassau County GOP calls for #Santos to resign
Leaders of the #NassauCounty #Republican Party on Wednesday called for Rep. George #Santos, elected to represent New York’s 3rd Congressional District in November, to #resign from office over his #lies to voters and #fabrications about his personal life.
#santos #nassaucounty #republican #resign #lies #fabrications
While we wait for the #Fabrications issue, my paper is available online. I’ve worked on it through SAH’s #MethodActs, then #SAHANZ2021 & this year’s #AIARG #ArchitectureanditsStories, Architectural Histories’ (they journal of EAHN) editorial workshop and this summer’s Advance Institute of the Oral History Center at UC Berkeley. Free eprints link: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/IEC4IPI8MXDUDHNSPDYG/full?target=10.1080/10331867.2022.2134551
#fabrications #methodacts #sahanz2021 #aiarg #architectureanditsstories