Yuki Lee Bender is one of the top competitive #fabtcg players in the world, but that's not all! Come join us on Episode 20 of the IP2 Podcast to hear all about her perspectives on local communities, being a specialist at the highest levels (can you be one?), and more!
17 people showed up to play #FleshAndBloodTCG Blitz last night! 5 rounds. I ran Contract Uzuri (https://fabrary.net/decks/01H8DH7H200PGB9P8S9FB8QSJA, modified for Blitz) and went 3:2.
Round 1: Bye
Round 2: Lost to a superior Uzuri player.
Round 3: Won against Arakni, Solitary Confinement.
Round 4: Won against Boost Dash.
Round 5: Lost against some weird Briar build I had never seen before. Blocked everything and swung back for 7 every turn.
Looks like I do better when I play a hero that doesn't suck. 🤔
#fleshandbloodtcg #fabtcg #FaB
Giveaway Alert and Announcement:
We have a very special guest coming on our next episode: Yuki Lee Bender, the inaugural Canadian National Champion and winner of the recent Calling: Las Vegas joins us to discuss the secrets of her success at the highest levels of Flesh and Blood, being a hero 'specialist', and so much more.
We are giving away two 30-minute introductory coaching sessions with Yuki. Details will be available at the time of release on September 8th. Mark your calendars!
Ever wanted to know how to start or upgrade your hybrid dash deck?
I wrote an article about that so feel free to take a look!
Holy shit, it's happening! All mech set, let's goooo! https://fabtcg.com/articles/evo/
I am calm, i am calm, i am not calm
LETS GO! #fabtcg
Looking for a job by day, playing #fabtcg by night to train for The Calling Birmingham has been my daily routine recently. I also started a new project, but it is not the focus right now, it will after Birmingham.
And I'm really happy with the deck I've built for this Calling. The deck seems really strong and versatile, and it suits me perfectly. My goal is to make day 2. and if the stars align, reach the top 8. But day 2 would already be a real accomplishment for me.
Heute mal wieder Full-Nerd-Modus: Flesh and Blood TCG Turnier aus Amerika auf dem großen Bildschirm im Wohnzimmer. 😄
Letztlich aber eigentlich nix anderes als bei vielen Anderen Fußball, F1, …
1:3 at tonight's #FleahAndBloodTCG blitz armory with Azalea. Still haven't figured out how to play against Prism effectively. Kano pulled out the win as I'm threatening lethal as Kano does. Rhinar swung big on turn 0 and closed it with a savage beatdown. My one win was against a low powered Dorinthea.
Why do I keep playing Azalea? I really should switch back to Lexi. #FaBTCG
I wasn't playing #FleshAndBloodTCG back when Monarch was released. Now I have the tough decision of gambling by buying a case or going for the sure thing by buying the singles to build Levia. 🤔 #FaBTCG
#Introduction Senior dev soon to be Lead dev, always tinkering with new libs, language or techs to learn new things. I'm also passionate about board games and #fabtcg.
Playing Prism in sealed already feels like cheating, but pulling Luminaris makes it a felony.
And really Im just glad to see #fabtcg being talked about at all on here...
Be the change you want to be and all that I guess...
I think its a real mistake for #fabtcg #fleshandblood to bring back characters that have already achieved living legend.
But, I'm clearly in the minority.
that Archangel of Erudition marvel 😍 I might have to play new Prism just for that
Literally me in round 2 of the PTI tournament of the Battle Hardened Metropole Ruhr
Feel free to watch that game at the Youtube channel of GoAgainGaming
That quote is ~ what i said to the judge before i sparked for it and they bursted into laughter.
10/10 game on the fun scale #fabtcg
We talk about being new content creators, recap an exciting RTN from their perspectives (Head Judge and player), and one of us tries to explain why logistics management games are the most exciting genre of video games. #fabtcg
Was at my first ever RtN yesterday and managed to take my Dash to the finals!
Went 4-1 in swiss and lost to the same Lexi i won against in swiss in the finals, rain razors + three oak can be devastating.
German Nats here i come!