No, I definitely didn’t buy a 1980’s Lego Fabuland motorcycle with the intention of recreating a meme based on a classic anime movie…
#Akira #AkiraSlide #Kaneda #KanedaBike #Lego #Fabuland #RetroToys #ToyCollector #ToyboxObscura #Anime #Meme
#meme #anime #toyboxobscura #toycollector #retrotoys #fabuland #lego #kanedabike #kaneda #akiraslide #akira
[1987] Edward and Friends - Children's claymation series from FilmFair that aired on British and Canadian television in 1987–1988. Each episode was 5-minutes in length and was based on LEGO's successful Fabuland theme.
#OldBritishTelly #edwardandfriends #fabuland
I have a few more in my series „90 Years of Play – Reenacted by BrickHeadz“ and this one honors the adorable contribution to the LEGO lore that is Fabuland!
Here is Edward Elephant!
Get the instructions on @Rebrickable
#LEGO #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #LEGO90Years #Fabuland #Elephant #EdwardElephant
#lego #BrickHeadz #90YearsOfPlay #lego90years #fabuland #elephant #edwardelephant
@beatrice #fabuland !! Yes, I LOVED it! I had so many little animals like Hein het Broodkonijn, and Fons de FotoRaaf. I found this old #lego catalog just now, so many sweet #memories!