This is one of the many ways in which I think #FabulaUltima does the classic heroic campaign style better than 5e, in that PCs can be defeated and suffer negative plot consequences, but can't actually die unless the player wants them to as a dramatic device. If your goal is to run a big epic story why have the option to break that in the rules?
It's #BandcampFriday! I released a small album of character tracks for the #FabulaUltima campaign I'm playing in for the occasion
I made another #FabulaUltima character theme for my first guy who I killed mercilessly for story points. This is "Ashen Revelation", a theme for Weiss my beautiful wifeguy who died not once, but TWICE! He's my favourite
#fabulaultima #gameaudio #music #ttrpg
My dear friend who I first roleplayed with just graduated so I thought of making a theme for her #FabulaUltima character! This is "Raven Candor", a theme for a clumsy housewife who'd do anything for her loved ones
#fabulaultima #gameaudio #music #ttrpg
-> #FabulaUltima on the other hand is a JRPG toolkit. It's designed to emulate an entire genre of games that have lots of different settings but similar procedures to interact with them. It explicitly invites you to make up your own world, plot, monsters etc, with advice on different tones, though gives you a lot of resources, particularly classes - like RPG Maker with content packs and macros.
The rules are also very carefully tuned to the experience of a JRPG, particularly in combat.
Have been skimming through the #BREAK!! beta pdf, comparing it to #FabulaUltima as I go, and despite sharing some audience these are really different games.
BREAK!! is the game of an imaginary anime you never saw. A particular atmosphere is built into it at all levels, classes, species, backgrounds, equipment, to the point where explicit lore can be quite thin because it's already there. It's focused on general play within a specific anime - lots of atmospheric micro rules for procedures. ->
I've been reading the #FabulaUltima #ttrpg (or rather #ttjrpg but that's not a useful hashtag) today and I am very impressed. It feels like it takes an approach which would suit so many 5e players and give them what they want from a game - story and character focused but still with dice and combat and builds and items - when they are frustrated by some of 5e's incompatible system assumptions.
If you want to play a game with a bunch of folk going on an epic quest why fight that? Lean into it.
Muy buenas, hermosas personas! Dejad que me presente
Soy Vicentebl99, o para simplificar, Vicente.
Llevo jugando a rol desde los 15-16 años, habiendo estado en varias partidas y sistemas.
Actualmente, estoy más centrado en #pathfinder2e #vampirolamascarada, #FabulaUltima y, en cuanto pueda convencer a gente y tenga tiempo, #Shadowrun (Para ser más precisos, ahora estoy dirigiendo como máster una cortita de Starfinder y una larga de Pathfinder, este último siendo la campaña de Fuerzas de Miles, un Harry Potter en una Africa Mágica pero sin ninguna mierda de J. K TERF, bastante disfrutable y con espacio de sobra para meter mi propio contenido :) )
Actualmente, desde un mes, también estoy creando contenido para YouTube y Tiktok, con interés a expandir a streaming en cuanto vea un hueco y me decida en que plataforma lol
A pesar de que esta última semana no he podido hacer mucho por cosas chungas de la vida real que me han dejado molido, estoy ya volviendo a preparar videos, entre ellos guías y partidas de rol en solitario inspirado por un colega mío, @N01ZE
De momento, admito que no hay mucha cosa impresionante, ya que estoy probando que funciona y lo que no, pero poco a poco voy mejorando, por muy lento que sea el proceso 💪
#pathfinder2e #vampirolamascarada #fabulaultima #Shadowrun
YouTube has really targeted me today, brought two different #TTRPGs to my attention
Has anyone played #SwordWorld2.5 or #FabulaUltima? Both look awesome but I’m a bit slow at learning, so any community to see/experience them being played or just talked about would be appreciated
#ttrpgs #swordworld2 #fabulaultima
Hi! My name is Kosmos and I'm an Upcoming #PNGtuber and #TwitchStreamer!
I enjoy #videogames, #ttrpgs, and #writing
A few of my favorite games are #KingdomHearts, #NierAutomata, and #EldinRing
I'm relatively new to #ttrpgs but I have experience with #DnD and #pathfinder2e and am currently learning #FabulaUltima
My favorite genres in general are #fantasy and #sciencefantasy
I hope we get along and I'm excited to meet you all!
#introduction #pngtuber #twitchstreamer #videogames #ttrpgs #writing #kingdomhearts #nierautomata #eldinring #dnd #pathfinder2e #fabulaultima #fantasy #sciencefantasy
Wir haben es geschafft! Rein mechanisch ist #FabulaUltima sehr geschickt gemacht, man sollte aber wissen, wie klassische JRPGS so funktionieren. Es hat gleichzeitig neben sehr crunchigem (aber nicht allzu schwerem) Kampf auch einen eher Dungeon World-ähnlichen Weltenbau-Aspekt eingebaut.
Die Idee, bestimmte Charakterfähigkeiten erst in einem Tutorial Schritt für Schritt freizuschalten ist sehr effektiv.
Heute Abend wird das Finale des Tutorials (sowas gibt es hier!) von #FabulaUltima gespielt. Ich bin Mako. Wir werden uns der fiesen Obermotzin stellen! #pnpDE
So I have the #FabulaUltima #ttrpg on PDF now (and am quietly waiting on the book’s international release, because I like physical books).
Weird feeling when the sort of aesthetic you have in mind finds its system soulmate. Quite excited to invite friends into this experience.
La VOD de la première partie sur le kit d'initiation de #FabulaUltima est disponible en replay sur youtube !
Au programme : ambiance bon enfant et découverte progressive des mécaniques et des thématiques 😁