Simon Sjödin · @simons
222 followers · 1663 posts · Server

14 jävla år sedan. Nuförtiden kommer inte Facebooks app inom 5 kilometer av min telefon.
Och är det sådana här djuplodande tankar jag kommer lämna till eftervärlden?


Last updated 1 year ago

- Un gouvernement Facebookien 🤬🤬🤬
Ahmed Hachani nomme Mehrez Belhassen chargé de la communication à la Kasbah
Cette annonce a été faite sur la page personnelle du nouveau locataire de la .

#Tunisie #facbook #kasbah #tngov #tnzoo

Last updated 1 year ago

stark@ubuntu:~$ :idle: · @Stark9837
197 followers · 1088 posts · Server


All of these companies realized they were wrong and adapted.

They admitted their mistakes and could move on from stupid design choices, mistakes and incorrect assumptions.

was so good at this. Look at and , they are massive. They man was brilliant and a genius. He saw a need, he saw an opportunity and most of social media today has roots to

But he then became obsessed with . This was actually successful to a degree, but is it really?

I would never buy a headset and now he owns all the and people that can develop the technology, he actually restricted the space and technology, but is still successful to a degree.

#zuckerberg #facbook #meta #facebook #vr #patents

Last updated 1 year ago

Bundesligatrainer · @Bundesligatrainer
3 followers · 29 posts · Server

Hab selbst weder Account bei oder () noch nütze ich . Aber dadurch, dass FreundInnen, Verwandte und Bekannte Whatsapp nützen und damit ihr gesamtes Telefonbuch preisgeben müssen, ist sicherlich auch meine Telefonnummer da mit dabei. Kotzt mich an! 🤮

#instagram #facbook #meta #whatsapp

Last updated 2 years ago

Aldo · @conax
46 followers · 1465 posts · Server

Quando nel 2007 mi iscrissi a , si era un snob nei confronti degli utenti , poi con il tempo siamo diventati solo cacciatori di perdendo la cognizione . potrebbe essere la base del metaverso vero dove tanti mondi chiusi dalle loro regole interne so faranno i cazzi loro . Quindi io mio pensiero che questa creatura fra 15 anni potrebbe essere un qualcosa di incredibilmente vasto dove ogni mondo si gestisce con le proprie regole …

#mastodon #follower #facbook #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Robel I. Revelo Bastidas · @rireveloba
7 followers · 1116 posts · Server

¿Qué está pasando en la ?

está como la app más descargada mientras va 9ª, 18ª y 27 por debajo de

¿Será algún bug?¿se rompió el algoritmo?¿coincide que hoy cambiaron los comportamientos de consumo de aplicaciones?

#ecosia #facbook #netflix #tiktok #telegram #appstore

Last updated 2 years ago 🔐 · @getprivacy
987 followers · 339 posts · Server


One Minute of Silence for those who still think & are Social Media Platforms.


#facbook #privacy #instagram #security

Last updated 3 years ago