Next was a nice short talk by Bilel Benbouzid on the sociology of machine learning fairness at @FAccT (6/12) #FAccT2023
Next was an incredible slate of talks at @FAccT on the risks of #GenerativeAI and policies to mitigate those risks. Work by Robert Wolfe (sexual objectification in generative #AI), Vinitha Gadiraju (#disability centered perspectives on #LLMs), Irene Solaiman (generative AI model release policies), and @saxon (disparities in text-to-image models across languages) are all highly recommended (4/12) #FAccT2023
#generativeAI #ai #disability #LLMs #facct2023
Next was an interesting talk by Moritz Hardt on technical approaches and implications of algorithmic prediction at @FAccT (5/6) #FAccT2023
Next was a nice session at @FAccT on algorithmic #privacy, with a particular focus on technical interrogations of privacy and fairness approaches (3/6) #FAccT2023
Last was a packed session at @FAccT on the limits of #AI explainability. I particularly liked Tim Miller on hypothesis-driven decision support using AI (10/10) #FAccT2023 #XAI
Next was a fabulous talk by Payal Arora on feminist design principles for the future of global work at @FAccT. This is a fabulous tour of the importance of incorporating feminist principles into work, work challenges faced in the global south, and the complex role that technology plays in simultaneously reducing and accentuating those challenges. Highly recommend (8/10) #FAccT2023 #feminism #work
Next was a rigorous technical session at @FAccT on #bias reduction methods. Brianna Smith's talk on influential fairness was the highlight for me (6/10) #FAccT2023
Next was a nice session at @FAccT on recommender systems. I especially liked the work by Rock Yuren Pang on cross-cultural label consistency and by Jessie J. Smith on the challenges of aligning an organization around a single definition of fairness (4/10) #FAccT2023
First was a good slate of talks at @FAccT on #algorithms in the wild, with a particularly interesting talk by Matt Franchi on detecting disparities in #police deployments using dashcam data (2/10) #FAccT2023
#algorithms #Police #facct2023
Next was a nice session at @FAccT analyzing the EU #AIAct. The analysis here is from a variety of perspectives, and is a good place to start if you want to understand the act implications and where AI regulation might be going (6/7) #FAccT2023
First was a great session at @FAccT on values and representation in algorithmic systems. These talks help provide perspective on many of the values that we unthinkingly bake into our systems, and provide a more global perspective on possible ways to think about categories, prediction, and more (2/7) #AI #AIEthics #FAccT2023
Next was an important panel conversation with data workers at @FAccT with Brook Hansen, Krista Pawloski, and Krystal Kauffman, moderated by @alex. This is a discussion that everyone who deals with data, #AI, #PeopleAnalytics, and #management needs to hear. Highly recommend (7/8) #FAccT2023
#ai #PeopleAnalytics #management #facct2023
Next was an interesting session at @FAccT on #sociology and #MachineLearning. The highlight for me here was the work of Henrietta Lyons on algorithmic decisions and the preference for human review (5/8) #FAccT2023
#sociology #MachineLearning #facct2023
First was a nice slate of talks at @FAccT on participatory #AI. I particularly liked the talk by @hanlin on how to empower data producers (2/8) #FAccT2023
Next was a fantastic slate of talks at @FAccT on normative #philosophy and #AI. The talks by Borhane Blili-Hamelin on ethical values in #IQ and #ML benchmarks and @sethlazar with a theory of predictive justice. Highly recommend (4/5) #FAccT2023 #AIEthics
#philosophy #ai #IQ #ml #facct2023 #aiethics
First was an interesting session at @FAccT on networks and #platforms. I did like the network analysis approaches deployed here (2/5) #FAccT2023
Next was an interesting session at @FAccT on algorithmic assessment metrics. These talks get in depth into different approaches to fairness and risk assessment (7/8) #FAccT2023
Next was an intriguing slate of talks at @FAccT on algorithms and markets. I particularly liked the talks by Daman Deep Singh (gig driver assignment) and Aditya Karan (differential pricing auditing). Highly recommend (5/8) #FAccT2023 #AIEthics #GigWork
Next was an incredible session at @FAccT on algorithmic power and resistance. Most notable for me were talks by Jacob Metcalf (legal accountability for algorithms) and Dasha Pruss (judicial resistance to recidivism risk assessment). Highly recommend (3/8) #FAccT2023 #AIEthics
Next was a fabulous session on the state of the field of algorithmic fairness, accountability, and transparency at @FAccT. Highlights was work by Eric Corbett (transparency as a non-core ideal), Stevie Bergman (representation in #AI evaluations), Will Hawkins (ethical ambiguity in AI data labeling), and Ali Akbar Septiandri (the WEIRD nature of the conference). Highly recommend (8/9) #FAccT2023 #AIEthics